Staged Intervention

At Braehead Primary School we aim to meet the needs of all of our children. Sometimes a child will have additional or individual needs and this is met through a system called Staged Intervention.

There are many reasons why a child may be on staged intervention. For example: They are finding reading difficult, not understanding maths concepts, have low levels of concentration, struggle to communicate with others, changes in behaviour.

This is a process where the school works with families to identify the particular need of a child and plan next steps to support the child. There are 4 stages of staged Intervention

Stage 1

  • Staff recognise that a child may need a short term change or support to maximise progress in learning or wellbeing.
  • The support is reviewed annually at a parent’s evening.
  • The child will then be removed from Stage 1 or moved to Stage 2

Stage 2

  • A plan of interventions will delivered
  • A 30 minute meeting is held once a year with parents/carers, the child and possibly other staff to agree interventions.
  • Reviewed annually and child may remain on Stage 2, return to Stage 1 or move to Stage 3.

Stage 3

  • A child’s plan will be created specifying the individualised support and how it is delivered.
  • One or more agencies could be involved offering support in a direct role.
  • A 45 minute meeting is held once or twice a year. Parents/carers, class teacher, the child and other relevant professionals together review how the child’s needs are individualised.
  • Reviewed annually and child may remain on Stage 3, return to Stage 2 or move to Stage 4.

Stage 4

  • A child will be moved to stage 4 when there is need for extensive individualisation, adaptation or enhancement of the curriculum or learning environment.
  • There will be an individualised plan which is supported and delivered by a number of specialists or other agencies.
  • Review meetings will take place at least once a year, Parents/carers will be involved in the decision making.

For further information:

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