Local Parking

Our school is situated in a suburban area just outside of Stirling city centre.  We have a very small staff car park for the use of staff and our partners who support the education of our pupils.

There are at least three large car park areas parents and carers can use to drop off and pick up their children from.  These car parks are marked in the map above as yellow circles.  Two car parks within the Carrick Court area adjacent to the school and one in Calder Court area, which is slightly further away.

Please could all parents and visitors be considerate of local residents when parking around the school.  It is very important to us that the school community is safe and that the children and families in our school can travel to and from school without harm.

Additionally, our nursery is due to be rebuilt and this will reduce the car parking space even more.  We hope that our families, visitors and local residents can bear with us during this time.

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