Momo challenge and Internet safety

Momo challenge and internet safety

You may have seen information in the media recently about the “MOMO Challenge”, an Internet trend in which a frightening image of a woman with a distorted face and bulging eyes is shared via social media apps, such as WhatsApp.

This trend generally targets children and asks them to carry out “challenges”. Children have reported being threatened if they do not comply, which can obviously cause great distress.

Our advice to parents who are worried about this current trend, or who have questions, is to speak to their children and engage with how they are using the internet.

National Online Safety have produced a guide with information about this particular trend, and good advice on general online safety.

Police have also advised parents to:

  •         Ensure they know what their children can access online
  •         Ensure children understand the importance of not giving personal information to anyone they do not know
  •         Tell their children no-one has the right to make them do anything they do not want to do
  •         Use parental controls to keep children safe


The NSPCC maintains the Net Aware website, which has lots of useful information about the use of social media by children:

This includes a dedicated page of information and advice about WhatsApp:

A very busy and positive Friday!

What a great day we have had! During assembly today several children (67 to be exact) were recognised and celebrated for a variety of Wider Achievements. These included swimming certificates, horse riding competitions, reading very long books and challenging themselves by learning a new skill. The children all stood proudly in front of their peers and will have a leaf added to our Achievement Tree in the dining room – once they are all written! Please let your teacher know if you have tried hard at something and would like to be recognised and celebrated for this.

Four girls from our P2 and P3 were also awarded a bronze medal for their fantastic achievements at the recent Active Stirling Gymnastics competition. Well done to Evie McConnell, Mirren Downie, Sophie Davie-McFadyen and Silver Clark although it should also be mentioned that everyone who attended from Braehead Primary performed excellently and were ranked within the top 20. Well done team!

We celebrated Wallace winning the house point challenge with the members of Wallace house enjoying an extra playtime. This will be a regular treat for the winning house so get earning those points!

Last but definitely not least we celebrated the bravery and thoughtfulness of one of our pupils – Brooke Gilvear in P6. Brooke spoke with her family and decided a while ago that she was going to have her hair cut and donate it to charity. Brooke was recognised for her caring and generous actions and enjoyed a wee photo opportunity after assembly with her lovely new hairstyle.

Well done to all our brilliant Braehead Primary pupils!


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