HMIe Inspection Questionnaires

HM Inspectors from Education Scotland will visit Woodhead Primary School and Nursery Class from Monday 17th Feb 2020.   You can find out more about inspection, from the Inspection and review documentation pages of Education Scotland’s website. All parents/carers of pupils in the school and nursery are invited to participate

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Non-Uniform Days

  • 23/01/2020
  • New

Our Pupil Council have organised ‘Non-Uniform Days’ to raise money for school funds. These take place on or around the last Friday of the month and have an optional theme: Parents/Carers are invited to provide a suggested maximum donation of £1 per family towards school funds on each of

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BBC Scotland Learning LAB

Primary 5/6 were invited to work with BBC Scotland Learning LAB to create some online materials for their website this week.  BBC Reporting Scotland newsreader, Catriona Shearer visited with a crew from BBC Scotland.  The children learned all about how to prepare and make an TV interview and then

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January 2020 Newsletter

The January 2020 edition of the Woodhead Primary School and Nursery Class Newsletter has been issued via ‘Pupil Post’.  An electronic version can be accessed by clicking the image below:  

Primary 1 Enrolment for August 2020

Parents/Carers of children who will be five years of age between 1st March 2020 and 28th February 2021 are required to register their child at their catchment school. To register at Woodhead, please attend during one of the drop-in sessions listed below: