Why Scottish Teachers Marched for Pay

Why Scottish Teachers Marched for Pay

On Saturday the 27th of October, Scottish teachers took to the streets of Glasgow, calling for  a 10% pay rise, here’s why. The event was organised by Scotland’s largest teaching union, the Educational Institute of Scotland who said the value of teachers’ pay has fallen by more than a fifth over the past decade. The march started in Glasgow’s Kelvingrove Park before the march to George

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This autumn, strikes are set to take place in Scotland as a result of pay deals, which could cause school closures and cancellations of burials and cremations Private Sector workers across Scotland are gathering to take industrial action over pay deals, with teachers demanding a 10% pay rise. The pay that teachers receive is determined by a committee which involves unions, councils and the Scottish government.

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Bringing In The New For Our S2

Bringing In The New For Our S2

Anna Louise Costello | Reporter As Mrs Agnew retirement leaves a huge gap to be filled – Deputy Head and Head of S2. Maths and guidance teacher, Mr Cresswell, became the obvious man for the job. Many of us think that Mr Cresswell will achieve many things throughout his career. Although Mrs Agnew’s retirement is very upsetting  as she has been an inspiration to our year and many more throughout the

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REVIEW: Sister Act by Studio 32

REVIEW: Sister Act by Studio 32

Rio Jordan | Reporter Annalouise Costello | Reporter Robyn Bolger | Reporter Students were invited to see Studio 32’s production of Sister Act performed on Wednesday night, 13th of September. The drama department had invited any interested students to come and watch the play.  Mr Kernan directed the show as part of Studio 32. Many students attended and the show received a hugely positive reception from the

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“Attention or Detention!”

“Attention or Detention!”

Sian Maher My eyelids began to draw together and my lips parted, my mouth allowed a lazed yawn to escape from my throat. My hands were not pre-warned to react to the spontaneous actions of my mouth. My mind hadn’t yet caught up with my surroundings. I found myself on a desert island, surrounded by a sea of adolescence. A lone boat, which possessed an uncanny

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