Sleep, Stress and Mood Swings

Sleep, Stress and Mood Swings

| Katie Hunter S5 Most of us by now will be back into the swing of school life, I know I’m feeling tired but could a lack of sleep be having an impact on our ability to learn?

5 Ways to De-Stress

5 Ways to De-Stress

5 Ways to De-Stress Nyssa Rutherford 1. Have a long bath – or shower I always find this calms me. I pop in one of my favourite lush bath bombs or crumble a bubble bar into my bath and blast the charts at full volume. All the stress is lost as I sink into the hot water. Definitely my favourite! 2. Dance It is proven that

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First year stress

First year stress

Nyssa Rutherford | We first years know that from 4th year upwards that prelims and National 5 and things like that become the priority. However, already in the first three terms most of us have at least had 60 tests. Personally, I can struggle with all the pressure of tests. Before high school, the biggest test I had was the PIRA tests that my school gave us. Whereas now

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Sian Maher | Studying: the act of texting, eating and watching TV with an open textbook nearby.