5 Ways to De-Stress

Nyssa Rutherford

1. Have a long bath – or shower

I always find this calms me. I pop in one of my favourite lush bath bombs or crumble a bubble bar into my bath and blast the charts at full volume. All the stress is lost as I sink into the hot water. Definitely my favourite!

Image result for lush bath bomb and bubble bar

2. Dance

It is proven that dancing helps get rid of tension or stress. Not only  is it easy to do; just pick your song(s) and go crazy. I suggest to listen to really fast, upbeat songs so you don’t have time to think about studying or the thing that is causing your stress.

Image result for dance rave

3. Workout

I like this one. If you are new to working out then just do a simple workout and your brain will automatically be focused on working out rather than being stressed out. I work out quite regularly so I  like to go for a hard-core workout and I feel so much better. Go on YouTube for some ideas.

Image result for workout

4. Have a movie day

Find your favourite movie or TV show ( mine has to be ‘Pretty Little Liars’ or ‘The Lion King’) and look out the comfiest pair of pyjamas. Cuddle up on the couch, or in bed, and just have a chill out. Maybe even have a sneaky bit of popcorn during the movie too!

5. Have an early night

Now I know everyone says this but it is true: if you get the minimum number of hours of sleeping, which is eight hours of sleep, it is scientifically proven you will feel 10 times better for having it. Get some sleep people!

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