Aftermath of Hurricane in the Mediterranean

Aftermath of Hurricane in the Mediterranean

Loads were affected as a ‘Medicane’ hit several countries causing disruption and chaos. In late September, there were several reports of a hurricane (also known in this situation as a medicane), set to hit several countries, such as Greece and Italy. This ‘medicane’ brought heavy rainfall and strong winds through these countries from the Mediterranean Sea. The weather centre gave several severe weather warnings to all those

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Hurricane Irma: The Damage is Done

Hurricane Irma: The Damage is Done

Lewis Mcpartlin | Reporter Hurricane Irma’s catastrophic reign of terror came to an end on the 12th of September, after being one of the worst Atlantic storms in the history of Central America. It has affected many of areas including; Florida, Cuba, the Bahamas, the Caribbean Islands and more. At its worst it was a category 5 hurricane -one of the worst kinds, Irma affected at

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Hurricane Irma Makes Landfall

Hurricane Irma Makes Landfall

Hurricane Irma is one of the most devastating hurricanes ever to hit Central America, and is the largest Atlantic storm since 2005.  It has reached speeds of over 185mph, virtually decimating villages in the Caribbean Islands and Cuba.

The Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

The Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

A week after Hurricane Harvey slammed into the Corpus Christi, life in Texas has gone from bad to worse in only a matter of days. What was once a few downed power lines is now vehicles laying abandoned across roads, houses flooded and damaged beyond repair, and debris everywhere you look.

Hurricane Harvey Tears Through Texas

Hurricane Harvey Tears Through Texas

Alice Flynn | World News Editor Texas is America’s second largest state and home to a staggering 28 million citizens. However, the state is about to face major turmoil when a hurricane, suspected to be the most powerful storm to hit the US in twelve years,  is set to devastate Texas’ coastline throughout today.

The Terror of Typhoon Koppu

The Terror of Typhoon Koppu

Bianca Ruba | Faith and Opinion Editor On the 17th of October 2015, powerful Typhoon Koppu made landfall in the Philippines with rain and winds of more than 250 km/h (155 mph). Following this event, death tolls have risen and several hundred people were declared to be missing with thousands  forced to flee their homes as the vast weather system toppled trees and power lines, triggering floods and landslides.Flights were 

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