Mental Health Week

Now more than ever it is important to talk about our mental health. 2020’s theme is ‘kindness’, which helps reflect this current situation quite well I think. We have been in lockdown for, what seems like, forever. I feel like I’m getting nostalgic for Brexit talks and discussions, that were always so uneventful. But now we face a new challenge. With coronavirus shutting almost every form

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Initiatives to Support the Vulnerable

Initiatives to Support the Vulnerable

It is true that coronavirus does not discriminate; however, there are a few groups of people who are significantly more affected by the virus, leading to them having an increased risk of complications. Vulnerable groups have been told to shield to lower their risk of contracting the virus. This may mean that they are unable to leave their home to shop for essentials or are simply

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How You Can Help Doctors in Crisis During COVID-19

Lucy is trying to help medical staff during these difficult times. Hi, my name is Lucy Maxwell and I’m a Fourth Year pupil.  Due to the cancellation of my National 5 exams and the closure of schools, I have found myself with lots of spare time even with completing school work.   I reached out to an organisation called Medic Mentor (this organisation helped establish our school’s

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The Impact of Social Isolation on Mental Health

For many of us, social isolation is a break from work, school and responsibilities. Life has been paused and we’re all getting a break from our daily routines to relax, improve ourselves and get the things done we’ve been procrastinating about. However, for people with mental illness it can be extremely difficult, a lot of people with anxiety and depression rely on a daily routine to

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How everyday technology is helping in the fight against COVID-19

How everyday technology is helping in the fight against COVID-19

How everyday technology is helping in the fight against COVID-19 COVID-19 has really impacted our world: our schools are shut, everyday shopping for food is now a risk and we can’t even see our loved ones. Our health has never been so dependent on staying home and the care of our NHS staff.

Coronavirus Disinformation: What’s fact and what’s fiction?

Coronavirus Disinformation: What’s fact and what’s fiction?

With the current global pandemic, media outlets are solely focused on broadcasting and keeping the public up to date with the latest information regarding the coronavirus. Inevitably, not everything that you read on the internet is completely trustworthy, and there are a number of different factors which need to be considered to discern fact from fiction.

Does SmartWater really make you Smart

Does SmartWater really make you Smart

We’re in the 21st century where a lot of company’s are producing water especially “SmartWater”.   Although, Smartwater has a unique name because smart is in front of it but the real question is that does it really make you smart. SmartWater is made by a British company Glaceau which makes this water by filtering it like any other company but SmartWater gets its name from what

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It’s Your Body, You Decide!

It’s Your Body, You Decide!

Woman and teenage girls are very aware of their body image, this causes them to be very self-conscious in today’s society. A problem that many teenage girls and women obsess over nowadays is their body image and how other people perceive them. Due to the rise of celebrities and role models on social media, these influencers are now the forefront of what is considered successful and

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