Now more than ever it is important to talk about our mental health. 2020’s theme is ‘kindness’, which helps reflect this current situation quite well I think. We have been in lockdown for, what seems like, forever. I feel like I’m getting nostalgic for Brexit talks and discussions, that were always so uneventful. But now we face a new challenge. With coronavirus shutting almost every form
Tag Archives: Coronavirus
Lockdown Update
Boris Johnson has addressed the nation regarding the lockdown but devolved governments are following their own paths. Everything explained here. Statistics Across the UK the current figures stand at 223,060 confirmed cases of Covid-19 which is an increase of 3,877 today. Sadly, there has been 210 people who have passed away in the past 24 hours due to the coronavirus therefore the current figure is 32,065

Initiatives to Support the Vulnerable
It is true that coronavirus does not discriminate; however, there are a few groups of people who are significantly more affected by the virus, leading to them having an increased risk of complications. Vulnerable groups have been told to shield to lower their risk of contracting the virus. This may mean that they are unable to leave their home to shop for essentials or are simply

50 years after the Pandemic
Sophie writes to future generations about the Coronavirus outbreak. When the first signs of the coronavirus appeared in the UK, people freaked. Panic buying had commenced: people were buying toilet roll, hand sanitiser, enough food to feed 10 families, hand wash and that’s just some of the things – the shelves were empty. This seems absurd now, but desperate times calls for desperate measures! It felt

A Letter to the Past
Rudy writes his thoughts and emotions about the pandemic to his past-self. Dear Rudy, I am writing this letter to inform you on the upcoming challenges you will face due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The UK is about to go into a state of lockdown which will prohibit you from doing many things you currently take for granted; communication with your friends will be limited to

How everyday technology is helping in the fight against COVID-19
How everyday technology is helping in the fight against COVID-19 COVID-19 has really impacted our world: our schools are shut, everyday shopping for food is now a risk and we can’t even see our loved ones. Our health has never been so dependent on staying home and the care of our NHS staff.

The Return of Football
In the midst of this global pandemic, entertainment is becoming more and more of a precious commodity. Almost all televised sporting events have been cancelled due to concerns over public safety and quarantine has been imposed throughout the entirety of the UK. The current state of boredom throughout the land has many football fans pondering the same question, will football return?

5 Weird and Wacky Stories You May Have Missed Over Quarantine
We live in an odd and quite honestly surreal time, the world has been turned on its head because of the coronavirus pandemic, so here are a few stories which should hopefully lighten your mood during quarantine.
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