Lucy is trying to help medical staff during these difficult times.

Hi, my name is Lucy Maxwell and I’m a Fourth Year pupil.  Due to the cancellation of my National 5 exams and the closure of schools, I have found myself with lots of spare time even with completing school work.  

I reached out to an organisation called Medic Mentor (this organisation helped establish our school’s medic society) and asked if I could be of any use during this COVID-19 outbreak and it was suggested to me that I could be a campaigner for a fund that Medic Mentor and the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund set up.  The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund is a charity that provides support and advice to doctors, medical students and their families in times of financial and emotional crisis and also in sickness, especially crucial during this time.  They are aiming to raise £10,000.  I have therefore undertaken the role of campaigner to promote the fund to help them reach their £10,000 target. 


Here is a link that takes you through the process:


It also has a link for making online donations..


So, I am looking for your help.  I would like to publicise this information and seek donations through the school for the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund.  I will also be using other platforms to promote the fund and seek donations elsewhere.


Any donation will help will help towards the fund’s target and are greatly appreciated.  


If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to email me:


Thank you. 


By Lucy Maxwell, Team Reporter  

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