Outside Achievements

Remember everyone, I always want to hear about what you have achieved outside of school and if you bring in medals, certificates or anything else to show me, we can get a picture of you on the blog.

(Emma Waugh already has one ā€“ check out the comment attached to this blog post)

3 thoughts on “Outside Achievements”

  1. Message from Emma’s mum:
    “Knowing emma isnt one to blow here own trumpet, I thought Iā€™d do it for her. At the weekend she had to re-trial for her scotland gymnastics acro place and has just had her official letter telling her she made A squad again.”

  2. Well done, Emma Waugh!

    Have any of you guys checked out the P6b blog yet? If not, you should. You can get the address from Miss Z Russell. Austin and I did the ‘Welcome Back!!!’ entry in our new blog! However, I warn you it is a VERY long read, as Austin and I had a lot to put in!!!

    See you all tomorrow,

    Ellie šŸ™‚

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