Calling all Hallside Hamster owners!
My boys, Jamie and Jude, got their first ever hamster at the weekend. She is called Georgie. If any of you have, or have had, hamsters at home and can offer us any advice, please speak to me when you see me in school or post a comment here at the blog (none of us has ever had a hamster before!). We’ve been reading up in books and on the internet but your hints, tips and experiences would be greatly appreciated.
My Husband said ‘give it back’!
I have had many Hamsters and we have had one now for almost a year. Our girls don’t really bother with it now hence my Husbands comment.
Handling is important as despite the number of hamsters I have had over the years we had to return the one we first got the girls as it gave me quite a bad bite.
Rub your hands in the sawdust (a clean bit) and let it smell you, never put your hands at the back of it or over it, always the front. It will sniff away and maybe gently nibble, if you feel fear it will feel it to!
They like to come alive at night so hopefully your sleep won’t be disturbed, pupils beware!
You can actually get a toilet for the cage which helps as they only make a mess/smell in one area and previous hamsters have used it, our current one doesn’t, it turns it upside down to stand on.
This is almost a book! We have a small old book for hamsters, I will pass it onto you if you like but it may be everything you know already.
Word of warning if you have a ball for it watch that it doesn’t learn to crash into things to open it ha ha.
I have a gerbil do you think that would help?
Congrats to the athletics team well done to all the medal winners and the people who took part.GO HALLSIDE!!!!!!!!
Sorry I don’t have any advice to offer.I posted this reply just to say that the hamster looks so cute!!!
I got a hamster not that long a go.I can only tell you one thing if she is in the ball make sure it dose not bang against the wall because she will get out thats what happened to me.
I had a hamster and it lived for ages. Hamsters are great pets just make sure you play with it loads and just be careful not to drop it or it could run away!!!
Abbey Rochford 🙂