All posts by Mrs Scott

Week ending 10th September 2021

We have worked this week on the spelling pattern short e using different graphemes (ea, ie).   Our tricky word was – measure.

Our science topic is the senses.  We finished off the sense of sight by creating a collage eye.  We learned the names of some of the parts of the eye:  the pupil, the iris and the sclera.   We also wrote our names in braille which is used for blind people to read.  Ayla’s great granny used to translate books into braille.

We also made an eye colour bar graph.  The most popular eye colour in P3 is blue.

We started to learn about how we can hear with our ears.  There are three tiny bones in our ears;  the stirrup is the smallest bone in our entire body;  the hammer and the anvil.  (Ayla).  There is a snail like part of the ear called the cochlea and it has little hairs which move when sound vibrates.  (Drew)   The ear drum vibrates and helps us to hear. (Mia)

In numeracy, we have been working with the sequence of numbers up to 1000.


In our novel, The Boy who Grew Dragons, the dragon has now hatched from the fruit.

Week ending 3.9.21

Today we used our senses to investigate dragon fruit.

We looked at them,  smelled them and touched them.  Then we created an observational drawing.  We cut one up and drew what it looked like on the inside.

We then got to taste the dragon fruit.

It tasted like watermelon.  Angus and Sophie

It tasted like pear.  Jamie

It was like mushed up sweet potato. Drew

It tasted like rotten apple and rotten pear.  River

I wanted more dragon fruit.  Rory

The texture was a bit like pear and it tasted like watermelon but with less flavour.  Maybe the little black seeds were mini dragons. Imogen

It tasted like watermelon and pear mixed up.  Lucy

It went all over my face and was very messy to eat. KC

I was disappointed that there were no dragons inside. Ayala


Week ending 27th August

We made a jigsaw for our classroom entrance.We had to colour in the jigsaw pieces and cut them out.

We went on a senses walk.  We had to write down things we could see, hear, smell and touch.  We were not allowed to taste anything.

I could smell grass. – Rory

I could smell the fresh air.  Elsie

I could smell the leaves.  Anna

I could see the clouds in the sky.  Isaac

I saw a buzzard.  Ross

I saw an aeroplane.  Drew

I could hear the wind.  Ayla

I could hear cars.  Jamie

We made collage people to look like ourselves.

In numeracy we were dividing and revising the 2 times table.

This block we will be writing ‘descriptive text’.  We studied a text about ‘The New Girl’ and looked at the structure.  The structure is Title;  Introduction;  Characteristics and Evaluation.

We have had a very busy week.


First Week in P3

We settled into our new classroom very well and worked hard.

We created a ‘flower’ display for the entrance of our class. We drew around our hands and decorated them with colour and pattern.

We listened carefully and discussed what rules we needed in the class to help us all learn.  We drew pictures to show our rules.

We discussed what things we did in the summer holidays and sent Mrs Scott a postcard telling her where we had been and what we did.

We are looking forward to our Primary 3 year.