Getting the garden ready in P2/1

This week in P2/1 we’ve been working around the weather to get the garden ready for our planting. We’ve been weeding, talking about what plants need to grow and have discussed what we might plant. We’re continuing to look after the wormery and the compost bin and are looking forward to getting some compost to help our plants.

In our greenhouses on the classroom window we’ve been excited to see that many of our mange tout seeds have now germinated! We will now plant these in the garden where (we hope) some might be ready before the end of term.

We’ve had lots of play in the classroom this week. The children turned the building blocks into our very own cinema. They made tickets and designed posters and were very excited when Mrs Ward joined us to watch a short film we had made.

In literacy this week we’ve been looking at stories with three in them, in particular the three little pigs, or our class favourite The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig. In our writing on Thursday we re-wrote the story in our own words, first describing the big bad pig and then writing about how he tried to blow the houses down. The houses were a little different to the traditional tale, being made of bricks, concrete and metal bars and chains, and the big bad pig needed the help of a sledgehammer, a pneumatic drill and some dynamite! We then had great fun working together to make a collage of each house and then retelling the story to make into a film for our class cinema. The children negotiated the roles and supported each other to remember their lines.

We’re continuing with our problem solving each week – this time the challenge was to make the longest marble run they could with just ten pieces. The children did a brilliant job of taking turns, listening to everyone’s ideas and working together to find the best way forward.

At the doctor’s

Our science topic is the human body and we have set up a doctor’s surgery to play in. We are learning about the major organs inside the body, what they do and how to keep healthy. These are some of the questions p2 had about what that they want to find out.

How can your skin feel hot and cold?

Are bones like teeth?

Where does food go?

Here are some of the things we already know-

I know what happens when you choke.

The smallest bone is in your ear.

A baby has more bones than an adult.

We learned the rhymes uff and oss while listening to the story ‘How to kickstart a dragon’. We wrote sentences about Ross!

In art we painted sea turtles that we drew using black oil pastels. It was good to experiment with colours.

In music we are learning about rhythm and musical notation. We worked in groups to create a short rhythm and played it on wooden sticks.

Welcome back p2

It was very exciting to welcome everyone back this week and play together in the sunshine!

We revised the sounds sh, ch and th at the beginning and end of words. The children found many words throughout the week and also spotted them in their reading books.

We wrote stories about a little bike. Our writing pieces are getting longer and more descriptive as we plan and think about structuring sentences.

In maths we looked at the 20p and 50p coins and how to use the fewest number of coins to make any amount. We looked at 10s and units in two digit numbers and at how grouping in tens makes collections easier to count.

We enjoyed a Skipper assembly and thought about how change is important in life and, if something is difficult today it may be good tomorrow. We watched how the seasons change and this keeps the world turning. Over the next few weeks we will learn strategies for coping with changes.

In art we used sponges to paint a sky background then used templates to cut out birds to make birds in cherry trees pictures.

A sunny week back in P2/1

We’ve had a lovely sunny week back.  We’ve been revising the ‘oa’ sound this week. On Monday we made plasticine boats and then tested to see whether they would float. Only three boats floated and we looked at what they had in common – thin walls, sides to hold air in and water out, no holes and a large surface area or a big bottom! We then tried again on Tuesday when many more boats floated.

Also for the ‘oa’ sound we’re writing a three part story about a goat with a new coat. We’re making up the story together. First the goat is walking through the forest in his new coat. Then he meets a pheasant with a twisted ankle! We’ll finish the final instalment next week. Today we made plasticine coats for goats, using tools to help us.

In our writing this week we’re also looking again at the ‘th’ sound and making sure we put full stops in the correct places. We’re also continuing our rhyming words.

For the next part of our RSPB Wild Challenge we’ve started planting and composting. We’ve been saving our fruit peels and collecting the vegetable peels for the kitchen to feed to the worms in our compost bins. For our planting, first we are germinating seeds in the classroom in our makeshift green houses. We’re hoping the shoots will start sprouting soon. Next week we will start planting seeds in our school garden.

In numeracy this block we’ve moved on to money – looking at the different coins and adding them up. We’ve set up a book shop in the classroom to practise addition and subtraction through paying for things and getting the correct change.

Some of the highlights from the P2s this week have been:

‘Making the goat’s coat.’

‘Testing the boats and putting the seeds in the greenhouses.’

’Feeding the worms.’

‘All the stories.’

Happy Easter from P2/1

We’ve had a lovely day celebrating Mrs Wilson’s retirement. This morning we watched the assembly and loved the singing, story and some famous faces!

This afternoon we had a special ice cream treat from followed by an egg hunt and some Easter crafts.

The last couple of weeks Mrs Ryalls has been teaching us the signs to an Easter song, we hope you enjoy it!

Have a lovely Easter and we look forward to seeing you back on 19th April.

Happy Easter from p2

Wishing you all a Happy Easter! We hope you have a great holiday with your family.

We have been busy this week rounding up the term. Here is our door to say ‘Happy Retirement’ to Mrs Wilson. We know how special the Kingsland daffodils are to her.

We reviewed our goal set in January and it was great to hear that some goals have been achieved, some are ongoing and others have switched to a new goal. We also thought about our highlight of the term.

One of our activities was to work together to design a home for the Easter Bunny using mini marshmallows and cocktail sticks. Tents with campfires was the favourite design!

Today we watched the assembly celebrating Mrs Wilson’s career and wishing her a happy retirement. Thank you Mrs Wilson for looking after us and being a great head teacher! We had a class activity time which included surprise ice cream! Thank you!