Have a lovely summer!

Thank you for all of your emails the last few months sharing all of your learning at home and it was lovely to see those of you who popped in last week for your belongings.

Stay safe this summer and I look forward to seeing you again as Primary Twos in August and meeting the new Primary Ones.

Take care and fingers crossed for some good weather,

Mrs McGilp

P.S. The tadpoles finally have legs!

Happy holidays P1/2

Hello P1/2. It’s finally the end of term and I want to say a huge well done to you all for a busy year of learning. You have worked really well together and welcomed me as your new teacher in December. Thank you to you and your families for keeping in touch and sharing your home learning with me since March, I’m very proud of what you’ve achieved. I wish you all a great summer holiday and look forward to seeing primary one again as primary twos in August. Mrs Lloyd.



Hello Primary 1!

We hope you’re all safe and well.

Thank you for all of your emails to let us know how you’re getting on and the wonderful learning you’ve been doing at home. Remember you can email to share your work, any news you might have, what you’ve been reading or just to say hello.

Have you seen this week’s Kingsland Challenge with Mrs Hope?  We’re good at finding maths in our environment in Primary 1. What have you found while you’ve been out on your walks?

Mrs Lloyd has been spotting lots of interesting patterns on the ground.

Mrs McGilp has been looking at the symmetry in butterflies – if they stay still for long enough!

We’re both well and are looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Take care,
Mrs Lloyd and Mrs McGilp