Our week in P2/1

We’ve had a lovely week in Primary 2/1.

We started the week learning the signs for the characters in the Gruffalo with Mrs Ryalls. We then watched the story and learned lots more signs including ‘terrible’!

One of our highlights this week has been taking our plants home. We were astonished to see how much they had grown over the weekend! On Wednesday we wrote instructions about how to look after these at home – they can now be planted in the ground or in a bigger pot. We have been learning how plants need water, sunlight and the right temperature.

This week we have revisited the  ‘er’ sound and we have enjoyed making our own Rosseau inspired tigers. We painted the tigers using black paint, cut them out and then added tissue paper leaves.

We’ve also being doing lots of reading this week – by ourselves, in our groups and to a grown up. We have also been sharing books with children in different reading groups.

Weighing in p2

This weeks’ practical maths was weighing classroom items using a two pan balance. We counted how many cubes, beads and pegs were needed to balance scissors, sellotape and a glue stick.

Today we watched assembly and reflected on how we use Skipper’s toolkit to help us when the river of life feels like difficult water. We enjoyed the story ‘The Rabbit Listened’.
Our spelling focused on the days of the week so our recount writing was ‘Monday’. Lots of children wrote about after school activities or things they do with their families.
We thought about words that rhyme with ‘ob’ and ‘all’.

Walking and talking in P2

We talked a lot this week about why walking to school is good for us and the environment. Here are our happy shoes from Shoesday.

In maths we are looking at patterns on a 100 square. We can add and subtract 10 by looking below or above any number. We notice patterns in the ten or unit as we count. We particularly liked diagonal patterns on the square!

We played a number game, finding sums in the given cards to complete our answer sheet.

Our reading books are very exciting and we can talk about the characters and plot.

Our spelling this week was the sound ‘ar’. We wrote and drew a farmyard.

Let’s Think. We worked in groups on listening and talking while sorting shapes into sets.

Play fosters creativity, problem solving and relationships. Aren’t we smart?!


Walk to School Week

We’ve had lots of fun this week learning about the benefits of walking for Walk to School week. We’ve been enjoying the videos and powerpoints from the JRSOs introducing a different superhero each day – we’ve had Super Strong, Super Smart, Super Smiley, Super Safe and Super Sustainable.

On Wednesday we worked together at our tables to draw a map of Peebles and discussed our different routes to school. We talked about safe places to cross and all of the lovely things we see on our walks.

At the end of the week we had great fun tinkering with the beebots. On Thursday we learned how to program them to go through or around obstacles and this morning we put them on our map and instructed them to go for a drive around Peebles!

This week we’ve also been planting, learning our ‘ar’ spelling words, learning about proper and common nouns and writing about the rabbit in the school playground. In numeracy we’re continuing with numbers to 100. The children’s highlights include:

  • Writing about the rabbit in the garden
  • Playing with the beebots
  • Planting pumpkins in the garden
  • Making statues
  • Pressing the buttons on the beebots
  • Sharing and taking turns with the beebots

P2 spelling ‘ar’

This week we are focusing on the sound ar.

This is the list of words we are learning in class and sending home for your child to practise. There are some common words and some other patterns included as well as the words containing the ‘ar’ sound.

1. at

2. yes

3. slug

4. arm

5. hard

6. scarf

7. card

8. are

9. all

10. farmyard

Mrs Lloyd and Mrs McGilp

Sunflowers in P2/1

This week in P2/1 we’ve been learning about sunflowers – we planted our own, drew very detailed black pen pictures and wrote an information report about them. We also did a sunflower collage in art that we put up in the corridor.

This morning we planted some lettuce in the school garden and are keeping a close eye on the radish that we’ve already planted. Our mangetout seeds have germinated in the windows and the runner beans will shortly be coming home for the children to continue growing there.

This week we’ve also revisited the ‘qu’ sound. Thank you for helping with the ‘qu’ spelling words at home. We’ve also been learning about proper nouns, looking at names of people and places.

In numeracy we’re coming to the end of our work on money, this week focusing on adding coins to £1. We’re continuing our problem solving, this week using our communication skills to discuss the different ways we can sort shapes.

In health and well-being we’ve been talking a lot about how things are constantly changing and while some change is expected, some isn’t. We used the seasons as a starting point and then in circle time thought about what else is changing – we realised how much we are all changing – from height to hair to wobbly teeth to our intelligence!

This week in p2

This week we learned the sound qu in spelling and practised words at school and home. Our rhymes were ack and ong and we found many words in the story ‘Gran, Gran’.

We listened to another story about a dog, ‘Arlo needs glasses’ and we made pictures of him. Everyone was very creative with his glasses!

For writing we wrote about ‘looking after a dog’ and described what  a dog needs.
In maths we are learning about numbers to 100. We can use our knowledge of place value to add and subtract 10 and we can sequence a set of numbers.

Our Skipper topic is ‘expect the unexpected’ and we are talking about changes and how they can sometimes be good but sometimes be hard. We thought about having our own treasure chest of things that help us when change is hard.

Here are our reading book questions, we love telling the class about the adventures!

Early this morning Emma, our cleaner, spotted a little visitor in our playground! We hope it comes back again soon.

Have a great weekend everyone!


P2 Spelling

Hello P2, we are now sending a list of ten spelling words home each week. The list will consist of some common words and some words containing a sound. We will work on spelling in class but would ask you to help your child to practise spelling the words at home if you can.

Here are this weeks’ words.


  1. on
  2. but
  3.  plum
  4.  quick
  5.  quiz
  6.  queen
  7.  squid
  8.  to
  9.  do
  10. squirrel

Here are some ideas to make learning spelling fun! Active learning will improve spelling success!

Spelling Activities

Make your own wordsearch here- https://thewordsearch.com/maker/

Mrs Lloyd and Mrs McGilp


We are scientists

P2 were  scientists this week as they wrote an information report about the skeleton. They shared lots of interesting facts and learned some new ones and put them into a helpful report.

Our rhymes were ang and ick and we wrote words and sentences and drew pictures. Our handwriting and spelling improves each week, and this week we focussed on writing only one awesome sentence rather than 4 shorter ones.

In maths we are counting tens and units and this helps us to add money collections.

We enjoyed assembly and made pictures for Mrs Ward about Skipper’s helpful advice.

We are reading a book each week and love talking about the adventures!