Week ending 10th September 2021

We have worked this week on the spelling pattern short e using different graphemes (ea, ie).   Our tricky word was – measure.

Our science topic is the senses.  We finished off the sense of sight by creating a collage eye.  We learned the names of some of the parts of the eye:  the pupil, the iris and the sclera.   We also wrote our names in braille which is used for blind people to read.  Ayla’s great granny used to translate books into braille.

We also made an eye colour bar graph.  The most popular eye colour in P3 is blue.

We started to learn about how we can hear with our ears.  There are three tiny bones in our ears;  the stirrup is the smallest bone in our entire body;  the hammer and the anvil.  (Ayla).  There is a snail like part of the ear called the cochlea and it has little hairs which move when sound vibrates.  (Drew)   The ear drum vibrates and helps us to hear. (Mia)

In numeracy, we have been working with the sequence of numbers up to 1000.


In our novel, The Boy who Grew Dragons, the dragon has now hatched from the fruit.

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