All posts by Mrs Coyle

P6 Home Learning Tasks 11/6/20

Good morning P6, I hope we have a better day weather wise than yesterday, it was awful! Today we have the live stream from Blair Drummond Safari Park as one of the tasks, it should be fun. Remember to keep active joining in with the exercise and Go Noodle and you will feel  better, it’s amazing what those endorphins do for our brains! I have posted your work in Google Classroom and have  a framework of tasks for you to follow with some mischievous fun.

Task 1 – Exercise with Joe Wicks.

Task 2 – Jolly Grammar 

Complete Jolly Grammar 3 grammar sheet 29 or Jolly Grammar 4 grammar sheet 29.

Task 3 – Health and Wellbeing 

Cheeky fun challenge to drop nice comments in to your conversations today.

Task 4 – Go Noodle

Task 5 – 12.00 Live stream from Blair Drummond Safari Park  – Emperor Tamarins

Watch the live stream, take notes and create a colourful poster full of facts.

Task 6 – Maths – Adding fractions with different denominators.

Task 7 – Guitar practise.

Take 30 min and practise the three chords.

Have a great day, I hope you have a lot of fun with your comments to your family. See if they realise what you are up to?

Mrs Coyle

P6 Home Learning 10/6/20

Good morning P6, its is a much colder and wet day than we have become used to, hopefully it will dry up for the afternoon and you can get outside for a while. Your tasks for today re posted in Google Classroom and I have made a plan to follow below;

Task 1 – School Prayer – take some time to think of your friends and family and just as we would do in school, say your St Fergus’ Prayer to ask for their protection through this strange time.

Task 2 – Exercise – any exercise you want to do for 30 min, it will get your brain and body working for the day. Below is the link to Joe Wicks.

Task 3 – Writing – Using Fronted Adverbials – instructions are in Classroom. Replicate yesterday’s task but this time use fronted adverbials to make your sentences more engaging for your reader. Watch the video clip for some examples.

Task 4 – Health and Wellbeing – Joy – Take a photo of a person, a place or an item which brings you joy! If you can, upload it with an explanation of what it is and why.

This is mine.

Task 5 – Go Noodle –  Join in with the stretching and release any tension you have in your body.

Task 6 – Maths – Adding and subtracting fractions – Revision of previous work, watch the video clip and complete the worksheets.

Task 7 – STEM activity – Does the design of football boots improve their performance? Watch the video clip and then create your own design.

I’m not in school today so message me at any time, I’ll be looking over previous work so you’ll hear from me throughout the day. Have a good day.

Mrs Coyle



P6 Home Learning 9/6/20

Good morning P6, it looks like another lovely day. Well done for all the work you completed yesterday. Remember if you can’t get some of the tasks done, don’t worry, just complete what you can manage and the cooking and art tasks can be done anytime, you may not have the ingredients!

As usual your tasks will be posted at 9am for you on Google Classroom, here is a schedule to follow;

Task 1Exercise with Joe Wicks

Task 2Setting the scene for a story. Create a character in your head (I chose a Princess having just watched Maleficent on TV). Use the higher level vocabulary sheets to help create a setting, feelings and a character. One line for each section would be enough, I’ve included my model in the task on classroom.

Task 3 – Health and Wellbeing – Our Joyful June calendar suggests we find the joy in listening to music and find our favourite pieces.

Task 4 – Go Noodle

Task 5 – Maths – Ordering Fractions. Watch the video and complete the worksheets.

Task 6 – African Animal Mastermind. Click on the link, read the information and create 10 questions.

Have a great day, work hard and thank you again for all of yesterdays work. I am back in school today and will get a chance to correct and feedback tomorrow.

Sending you all a big hug, Mrs Coyle.



P6 Home Learning 8/6/20


Good morning everyone, I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed some time in the sun with your families. We have a busy day ahead with tasks and there will be another challenge this week for the PL Schools Olympics. Last week’s results will be released  alongside the new challenge, which I will post later for you to see. Your tasks for today are posted in Google Classroom, what you have here is only a frame to follows;

Task 1. Exercise with Joe – either follow today’s workout or choose a previous one.

Task 2. Spelling – this weeks spelling lists are ;

JG4 List 27 and JG3 List 29

Complete the spelling worksheets, complete a game on Spelling City and the interactive wordsearch for your group.

Task 3 – Grammar – Homophones – rewrite the sentences with the correct word to make sense of the sentences.

Task 4 – Health and Wellbeing  – Complete an Emotions crossword.

Task 5 – Go Noodle – Take some time to jump about with LUNCH.

Task 6 – Maths – Ordering Fractions – Complete the worksheets and fill in the missing fractions.

Task 7 – African Shadow Art – You will need some paint, don’t worry if you don’t have the paint the task asks for use any paint you have and any paper which is dark to create the shadow.

Have a great day, I’ll be in school today for a wee while getting ready for our return and sorting out the laptops, I will still get messages if you send them through Google Classroom, but I might be a bit slower.

Mrs Coyle

P6 Home Learning tasks 5/6/20

Good morning P6, we have managed to complete another week of home learning, well done! I hope you enjoyed your pizzas if you managed to make them, if not have a go over the weekend, they really are quite tasty.

Today is the day for uploading your songs for the St Fergus’ musical extravaganza, get someone to record you and email it. You can send it to me and once I have all the entries from P6, I will get them to Mrs Cryans. Good singing!

Your task are uploaded as usual and here is the daily plan;

Task 1- School prayer – take a few minutes to remind yourself of the school prayer and what you can be thankful for.

Task 2 – Exercise with Joe – it is a beautiful morning, can you open the windows / go outside and join Joe for this workout? Remember you can stream his sessions at any time.

Task 3 – Character description – follow instructions (Google classroom), try to upload the e-book or PDF to help understand where the characters come from.

Task 4 – Go Noodle.

Task 5 –  Calculating a total from a fraction. – I have written an explanation using the first calculation as an example, follow it to complete the worksheet.

Task 6 – Health and Wellbeing – using your senses, create a mindmap / image of what you hear, feel and smell.

Task 7 – Music – practise the chords for your guitar and complete the worksheet.

There is quite a lot for you to complete today, thankfully it’s Friday and you have all weekend to keep working 😉


Have a great weekend, relax and be ready for next week.

Mrs Coyle


P6 Home Learning 4/6/20

Good morning, I hope everyone is in good spirits and keeping their vocal chords tuned for their entries to the school online show. Tomorrow is the last day for entries and a quick reminder that P6 can choose any song from the musical Mama Mia. If you are undecided about your song, don’t worry, I have attached a link to a website with music and lyrics (below).

Your tasks are posted in Google Classroom, here is a plan for the day;

Task 1 – Exercise with Joe.

Task 2 – Grammar – Complete the Jolly Grammar worksheet for your spelling group.

Task 3 – Go Noodle Brainbreak.

Task 4 – Maths – Fractions of an amount. – I have tried to explain and attached a chilli challenge worksheet.

Task 5 – Homemade Lunch Pizza– This is a basic recipe which I use myself to make a simple pizza base some lunchtimes (you might need to ask a family member to get some of the ingredients).

You will need;

  • equal quantities of flour (I use whatever I have in the cupboard, usually self raising) and plain yoghurt (greek yoghurt, creme fraiche, sour cream)
  • a teaspoon salt
  • a tablespoon oil

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl (a half cup of flour / yoghurt should be enough to make 4 saucer sized mini pizza) until you have a non-sticky dough. Use your hands to get all the ingredients mixed together. Leave to sit to 20 min for the dough to rest. Kneed the dough again for a few minutes and split in to 4. Roll out using a little flour and place on a baking tray.

For the base I use some tomato paste mixed with tomato sauce, spread a layer (not too much or it will get soggy) on to the base, grate any cheese on top and add anything else you fancy. Tuna and onion is tasty, so also is thinly sliced ham and sweetcorn. You can change the base using barbecue sauce which will give a lovely sweet version.

Bake your mini pizza for around 10-15 min at 180, keeping an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t burn. Serve and enjoy.

My explanation makes this sound really long, but it genuinely only takes minutes (sometimes I only rest the dough for a few minutes).

Have a go and send me some pictures.

Task 6 – Africa – Animals and terrain.

From completing the task on Tuesday, you now know that Africa is a Continent made up of 54 separate countries. Look at the map which is attached and pay attention to the key.
There are deserts, savannah, rainforest and mountain terrains.
Can you research the differences between the terrains and the type of animals you would find there. Note down what you find, then choose 1 animal to focus on from each terrain.

Use a sheet of paper fold it in 4 and create a colourful information leaflet with key points in each section.

Remember to explain why the animals live in that terrain, what country it is and how the animals adapted? I have included some music to listen to get you in the spirit of Africa.

These tasks should keep you busy today, if you get stuck remember to keep in contact. I’m looking forward to the 2pm chat tomorrow on Teams.

Mrs Coyle

P6 Home Tasks 3/6/20

Good Morning, I hope you enjoyed your first task learning about the continent of Africa and enjoying some of it’s music. It is such a large land area to cover with so many countries and famous landmarks, we will have to pick and choose what we learn about. Hopefully you will find something to love. Remember to tell me if there is anything specific you would like to cover.

As usual your tasks are posted in Google Classroom, here is a framework to follow;

Task 1 – Go Noodle – Get Loose, a short shake and brain break to get you going in the morning.

Task 2- Writing – Write a short story using the image below to help your imagination. I have modelled a story for you to follow if you need some help.

Task 3– Take some time to create a Mindfulness toy. This craft idea is to create a mindfulness toy much like the ones used in school. You will need a clean jar, some glue, glitter and food colouring. Follow the instructions below and keep safe for times when you like to relax. Consider making one of these as a gift to a family member as an act of kindness. Think of things they may like to see in their glitter jar. Take a photo or describe what you have made.

Task 4Numeracy – Fractions (Equivalent Fractions) – Complete the worksheets using your fraction wall to help.

Task 5Health and Wellbeing – Use the template or create your own and record three things you are grateful for today. It can be small things like a smile, a hug from mum, but this task is to make you think about things you appreciate without realising. Remember to thank the person if it is a member of your family.

Task 6 – Dancing with Sam from RL Live at 3pm – follow the link below to take part in the dance class with Sam.

Have a great day, get outside for a breath of fresh air and enjoy listening to the birds.

Mrs Coyle

P6 Home Learning 2/6/20

Good morning on another beautiful morning, I hope you all managed yesterdays tasks and are ready for today.  I am introducing a mini topic on Africa, where we will be investigating the people, animals, music and art.

Your tasks are posted in Google Classroom, here is a framework for the day;

Task 1 – Exercise – Choose Joe Wicks and complete his daily class or suggest a different class (you might have found someone different, I like the Les Mills dance class) for your friends.

Task 2 – Spelling activity – Spelling City

Use the link below, find your word list and try out the free  word search. Then create a game with your family, a loop card game where they can only use the card if they can correctly spell the word would work well.

Task 3 – Go Noodle Brainbreak

Task 4 – Maths – Equivalent Fractions – watch the two video clips to help revise what you understand about equivalent fractions. Use the fraction wall you made yesterday, or the one I’ve attached to complete the worksheet and finally exercise 3 & 4 from the booklet.

Task 5 – Mindfulness Task – Understanding  yourself. Sometimes we live with people (brothers and sisters) who we think we know really well, but we can often become complacent  and never really speak to them, today’s task should help with this.

Look at the list of questions and the template for the Fortune Teller. Choose some questions and fill the template with them, now go and get a family member to ask you the questions and you can ask them.

Task 6 – Africa Mini Topic.

First we need to investigate facts about Africa;
Where is Africa?
Is it a country?
How many people live there?
What size is it, in comparison to Scotland?
What is the weather like?
Can you create a colourful factfile or an A4 sized word document with the information you have found?
You have a map page to label and colour to add to the factfile which will help with information.
While you research and work on your factfile, click on the link and listen to the African music in the track.

Have a lovely day researching and enjoy listening to the music, its maybe not your taste but it is quite relaxing.

Remember if you are stuck with the maths, message me.

Mrs Coyle



Good Morning P6 – Tasks for 1/6/20


Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a good weekend with the beautiful weather and got a chance to relax. You made an amazing effort last week, thank you, it wasn’t our usual Health Week so it was great that so many of you made the best of it. Well done.

This week we are back to our usual timetable of tasks alongside the RL Olympics, where we are just outside the top 10 schools, that’s down to all your effort!

The tasks for today are posted in Google Classroom and run as follows;

Task 1 – Exercise activity. If like me you haven’t been out and about much you’ll feel very unfit, there are lots of exercise programmes to follow.  Joe Wicks is very popular.

Task 2 – Spelling. Choose the Jolly Grammar spelling list for your group and complete.

JG3 List 29

JG4 List 28

Task 3 – Go Noodle brain break.

Task 4 – Numeracy – Fractions (revision) There are two links and a booklet for you to complete. Create a fraction wall, answer exercise 1 & 2 and play the fractions quiz (mega easy).

Task 5 – Health and Wellbeing –  Mindful Task

Think about the statement;

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day!

Look for what is good in your life,  draw out the magnifying glass and draw an example of something good from today, then write a few lines to tell me about it and why it was good.

Task 6 – R.E. Pentecost – This Sunday was Pentecost Sunday, where Jesus apostles were together and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Read the passage and complete the crossword.

Have a good day today, get out and enjoy the good weather. If you have questions message me and remember that you don’t have to print pages, just write the sentences on a some paper and take a photo or open a document online and send that.

Mrs Coyle



Moving BFG characters

P 2/3 were learning to make moving BFG characters. They are learning different ways that we can join paper together to make it move.

Hayden: “We are joining bits of paper together so they can move”

Kacie-Louise: “We are making a moving BFG and Sophie.”

Ryan: “ The glue doesn’t work, use pins.”