P6 Home Learning tasks 5/6/20

Good morning P6, we have managed to complete another week of home learning, well done! I hope you enjoyed your pizzas if you managed to make them, if not have a go over the weekend, they really are quite tasty.

Today is the day for uploading your songs for the St Fergus’ musical extravaganza, get someone to record you and email it. You can send it to me and once I have all the entries from P6, I will get them to Mrs Cryans. Good singing!

Your task are uploaded as usual and here is the daily plan;

Task 1- School prayer – take a few minutes to remind yourself of the school prayer and what you can be thankful for.

Task 2 – Exercise with Joe – it is a beautiful morning, can you open the windows / go outside and join Joe for this workout? Remember you can stream his sessions at any time.


Task 3 – Character description – follow instructions (Google classroom), try to upload the e-book or PDF to help understand where the characters come from.

Task 4 – Go Noodle.


Task 5 –  Calculating a total from a fraction. – I have written an explanation using the first calculation as an example, follow it to complete the worksheet.

Task 6 – Health and Wellbeing – using your senses, create a mindmap / image of what you hear, feel and smell.

Task 7 – Music – practise the chords for your guitar and complete the worksheet.

There is quite a lot for you to complete today, thankfully it’s Friday and you have all weekend to keep working 😉


Have a great weekend, relax and be ready for next week.

Mrs Coyle