Primary 5 Daily Tasks 01.06.20

Good Morning Primary 5 I hope you all had a lovely weekend in the sunshine, what lovely weather we had! I enjoyed spending some time outdoors and Cocoa loved playing in her paddling pool! I can’t wait to hear what you were all up to. It’s a new month and the last month of school before Summer. It has been such a quick year, but I have loved being your teacher.

Health and Wellbeing:

The sun is shining again today Primary 5. Your task today is to spend some time outdoors you could walk, cycle or run. I would like you if you can to take some pictures on your walk of things we see, hear, smell and feel.


Weekend News: I would like to hear all about your weekend in the sunshine. What did you do?, did you have any nice food in the sun? We can now visit one family member in their garden, did you see any family you hadn’t seen for a while? How was it seeing them again? How did you feel? Did you do some exercise? Tell me all about it!

Blue Group: Homophones. Remember homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and are spelled differently. For example: pear and pair (a pear that you buy from the shops to eat and a pair of socks). Complete this worksheet choosing the correct homophone for the sentence. You can google the meaning of the word to help you.


Red group: Correct the spelling mistakes.

Green Group: Correct the spelling mistakes.


Since we had no numeracy or literacy last week, we are going to ease ourselves back in gently with some online learning. I would like you to spend some time on either Top Marks or sundog doing some addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and also some work on fractions. Remember to challenge yourself!

Art and Design:

Lets get creative. Today you have 2 challenges:

  1. Shadow art! Since it is so sunny outdoors have a go at shadow art!  I have posted some examples on Google Classroom, if you cant access this give me an email. Here are some examples below, remember to send me your pictures and videos!

  1. Cloud and sky ideas. Use the could as your inspiration. Spend some time looking up at the sky and/or clouds, what do you see? Draw what shapes/pictures you make out of the clouds. Some more ideas: