As outlined above, school will be open for vulnerable pupils and pupils of keyworkers only from Thursday 7th January.
The school is closed to all other pupils from Wednesday 6th January and Home learning will re-commence on Monday 11th January.
To qualify for a place in school, both parents must be keyworkers, or a single parent keyworker, and have no other childcare options.
Keyworkers are defined as:
- Category 1 – Health and Care workers directly supporting COVID-19 response, and associated staff; Health and Care workers supporting life threatening emergency work, as well as critical primary and community care provision; Energy suppliers (small numbers identified as top priority already); staff providing childcare/learning for other category 1 staff.
- Category 2 – All other Health and Care workers, and wider public sector workers providing emergency/critical welfare services (for example: fire, police, prisons, social workers), as well as those supporting our Critical National Infrastructure, without whom serious damage to the welfare of the people of Scotland could be caused.
- Category 3 – All workers (private, public or third sector) without whom there could be a significant impact on Scotland (but where the response to COVID-19, or the ability to perform essential tasks to keep the country running, would not be severely compromised).
In light of the announcement on Monday the 4th January, if you have applied for a place but no longer require it due to the fact you are now working from home, please phone the school office on Wednesday 6th January to let us know.