All posts by Mrs Mackenzie

“Can you really learn through play?”

“Can you really learn through play?”


A webinar is a live, web-based conference.

During this time you can feel free to comment or ask questions

Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 8pm

Alistair Bryce Clegg

Alistair Bryce Clegg is passionate about inspiring children to reach their potential. He is well known in Education  and is an author of many fantastic books to support teachers and practitioners develop the skills to support our learners.

If you would like to tune in to this FREE webinar click on the image below to signup:




P3 Outdoor learning day!

The great outdoors is a place where learning can take diverse shapes and forms. Take a look at how Primary 3 strengthened their numeracy and maths skills.

The pupils came in to class this morning to plan their own day, working within their Co-operative learning groups.

We set up for the day by gathering the resources that the pupils needed and wanted to take. They decided to spend before playtime in the school grounds and then over to Rannoch Woods after play time.

What are we going to do?

“We are going to make 3D shapes using twigs, sticks and clay” – Lily-Anne

“I’m going to make arrays to help me multiply” – Chichi

“I’m going to build a town using 2D and 3D shapes”- Jakub

“If we make shape art we can look at making lines of symmetry and then look to see how many angles are in the shape” – Ryan

What did you enjoy about Outdoor learning day today?

“I enjoyed building 2D shapes” – Hannah

“I enjoyed making a pyramid because it was quite tricky and I wanted to add more sticks. I had to make sure it had at least 4 sticks”- Gemma

“I enjoyed making a person out of clay, sticks and stones. I tried my best to make it symmetrical” – Stephen

“I was learning to do multiplication using arrays and also gems” – Josh

“I was measuring and counting I used the trundle wheel to measure long distances” – Kristian


P2 STEAM Cloud learning

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, EngineeringArts and Mathematics. STEAM Education is important because it pervades every part of our lives. Science is everywhere in the world around us. Technology is continuously expanding into every aspect of our lives. Engineering is the basic designs of roads and bridges but also tackles the challenges of changing global weather and environmentally-friendly changes to our home. Art is the creativity that can be brought in to STEM and Mathematics is in every occupation, every activity we do in our lives.

STEAM enables pupils to take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, persist in problem-solving, embrace collaboration, and work through the creative process and also describe these learners as the “innovators, educators, leaders, and learners of the 21st century”.

My bridge was challenging to make because I had to make sure I had enough clay to hold it up” – Alanna
“It just doesn’t stay on…I need to work out how I can balance this end to make it a 3D bridge” – Olivia

Primary 2 are enhancing their problem-solving skills, they are developing a greater understanding of concepts, applying their knowledge, Instilling creativity and innovation, teaching Teamwork, collaboration, and communication, encouraging risk taking, completing the  process of learning, building perseverance and Determination and most of all fostering a love of learning!



Co-operative learning Primary 3

The basic aim of any Co-operative learning task is working together to achieve a common goal. Within Co-operative learning activities pupils seek outcomes that are beneficial to themselves and to their team members. Within Co-operative learning, small groups of pupils should be used to allow pupils to work together until each member of the team fully understands the learning intention. Knowing that each individual will only succeed if all group members understand, motivates pupils to scaffold one anothers’ learning whilst improving relationships and social skills of all team members.

Image result for co-operative learning

Primary 3 really enjoyed this lesson and will be working frequently within their Co-op groups. Each group have now created their ‘Team Identity’.

We have “The Purple Guitars”, “The Dancing Macaroni’s” and “The Green Chocolates”.

Take a look at our Primary 3’s in action.

You can see the co-operation, motivation, engagement, face to face interaction, social skills being developed.


Big Battery Hunt Recycling Continues…

duracell big battery hunt with rabbits and explanation of campaign

As you already know after a successful year last year with recycling batteries, we are continuing with the challenge again this year.

Lets see if we can beat last years…


Each pupil has been given a battery box home and should bring this to school when full. We have Battery bins located in the front of the school building where they will be kept and counted in June.

Here is last years success in the Gazette!

Book Week Scotland Thank You & Feedback

Image result for book week scotland 2018

Book Week Scotland is almost coming to an end, but don’t forget to continue the fun at home before it ends on Sunday!

At St David’s we have had a fun filled week of activities, visitors and trips.

We would like to say a massive thank you to the following for coming along this week and helping us celebrate Book Week Scotland;

  • Bryse, our lollipop man
  • The Fire service
  • Rosaleen & Alf at St Vincent de Paul
  • Emma, Renfrewshire’s Primary outreach librarian
  • Bookbug
  • The community Police

We would also like to say a huge thank you to Starbucks Johnstone for allowing us to come down for Hot chocolate and a story to be read from your Manager, Graham. Primary 4/5 really enjoyed this experience and have been talking about it throughout the week.

Another thank you goes to Cochrane Care home, for having Primary 1 and our House and Vice Captains for a Bookbug session, that was led by Anne – Thank you, Anne!

Here is our feedback from throughout the week!

“I liked reading when the bell rang” – Caitlin P1

“I loved getting our present from BookBug”- Hope P1

“I Liked getting to meet the real BookBug” – Sophie P1

“I like singing all the songs when we went to the nursing home” – Calum P1

“My favourite part of the week was when the fire brigade came in and we got a picture with the fire engine” – Alfie P2

“I Liked having Bryse come in, he was funny, he taught us the alphabet backwards” – Eilidh P2

“I liked when the Big BookBug came in” – Sean P2

“I liked getting toast and biscuits the bedtime reading buddy” – Leo P2

“I wish we could wear pyjamas every day, I’ve loved it” – Zoey P2

“I liked getting to wear our pyjamas and getting to read books” – Hannah P3

“Its helped us to learn how to read” – Jakub P3

“I liked reading with our buddy and our teddies” – Lily-Anne P3

“I liked learning about Fiction and Non Fiction”- Stephen P3

“I liked reading under the blanket’s it was cosy and fun” – Josh P3

“I liked taking part in Book Week Scotland because we got to hear other people read, it was really nice” – Emma P4/5

“I liked having Emma (Outreach librarian) come in on Wednesday. I liked the books she read us and then  we voted for our favourite” – Libby P4/5

“My favourite part was going to Starbucks! We got hot chocolate and the manager, Graham read to us” – Riley P4/5

“I loved how people took time out to come to our school and support Book Week Scotland” – Sienna P4/5

“I liked when the bell rang every day and we just  stopped what we were doing and read for 15 minutes” – Mirren P6/7

“I enjoyed going along and listening to Mrs Mackenzie read Paddington” – Tia P6/7

“I loved going to the care home with Primary 1 and doing BookBug. Everyone was singing songs and joining in and a lady called Liz had said at the end Thank you so much for coming today and Merry Christmas” – Mya P6/7

“I loved singing with John from Primary 1”  – Kayla P6/7

“I’ve enjoyed doing bedtime stories with Primary 1 and 2” – Ryan P6/7


Thank you for a very successful Book Week Scotland, until next year!

Happy reading!









Primary 3 Read, Write, Count Gifting

Primary 3 were in for a treat today when they were introduced to the ‘Read, Write, Count’ bags. We had a very excited class, that couldn’t wait to explore the many items inside the bag.

Image result for Primary 3 read write count bag

“I love the story cubes – I can now make up my own stories at home” – Gemma

“I can use the notebook to write all my learning in to. I can even write my numbers from 0-100.”- Rebecca

“Those cards are cool, we can make up out own games with them. They are so much fun!”- Ryan

Emma introduced everything inside and  then shown the pupils what to do with it all. We even had a special visitor that came along to gift all pupils with a ‘Read, write, count’ bag!

This was very exciting, we got lots of cuddles and High- 5’s!

Thank you BookBug for your appearance today, we are so lucky to have you visit our school!

Thank you Emma for being with us today and for being a part of our Gifting event.

#Bookbug #BookweekScotland #RenAttain

Primary 1-3 Gifting Event today

REMINDER Primary 1-3 Gifting Event today

Primary 1 – Bookbug bag

Primary 2- Read, write, count bag

Primary 3 – Read, write, count bag

Image result for book bug bags 2018   Image result for read write count bag 2018


Just a reminder that this event will take place today.

Primary 1  – 10am

Primary 2 – 11am

Primary 3 – 11:30am

This will take place in ‘Dream Island’ along with Emma  our Primary school outreach librarian.

Look forward to seeing you!

P.S We may have a special guest appearance!

Bookbug Check back later for some updates! #Bookweekscotland #Renattain

Book Week Scotland 2018!

Image result for book week scotland 2018

Book Week Scotland begins today and we look forward to welcoming all of our visitors this week.

Bryse our Lollipop man will be joining us after he has finished his job this morning, then followed by the Fire Service and then St. Vincent De Paul this afternoon.

We look forward to sharing a story with you and hearing all about your favourite book.

Happy reading everyone!

Check back throughout the week to see all of our updates from the classes.




Anti bullying week P3

Primary 3 have had a busy day!

This morning they were creating recipes for a ‘Good Friend’ as we are promoting Anti-bullying week.

50g of respect”- Lily-Anne 

“a sprinkle of glitter”- Gemma 

“90g of love”- Hannah 

“a spoonful of happiness”- Chichi 

We then visited ‘Dream Island’ 🌴 where Emma shared with us wonderful picture books without words, we used our imagination to retell the stories in our own words.

Primary 3 had so much fun during this time and we will be using these books to write our own stories.

Come along to our next session at ‘Dream Island’ on Wednesday 21st November where each child will be gifted a ‘Read, write, count bag’

See you next week during ‘Book week Scotland’