Anti bullying week P3

Primary 3 have had a busy day!

This morning they were creating recipes for a ‘Good Friend’ as we are promoting Anti-bullying week.

50g of respect”- Lily-Anne 

“a sprinkle of glitter”- Gemma 

“90g of love”- Hannah 

“a spoonful of happiness”- Chichi 

We then visited ‘Dream Island’ 🌴 where Emma shared with us wonderful picture books without words, we used our imagination to retell the stories in our own words.

Primary 3 had so much fun during this time and we will be using these books to write our own stories.

Come along to our next session at ‘Dream Island’ on Wednesday 21st November where each child will be gifted a ‘Read, write, count bag’

See you next week during ‘Book week Scotland’