All posts by A. cochranecastl

Christmas News Items

This year due to the current restrictions pupils will not be able to exchange Christmas cards in the school.  They are, however, going to be creating a  class digital message to be shared throughout the school.

Our Christmas Lunch is being held on Thursday, 10 December, pupils can wear something Christmassy (hat, tinsel, hair band, jumper etc) to make things even more festive.

The Joint Campus Christmas Jumper Day is being held on Friday, 11 December.  Again, pupils can wear something Christmassy, it does not necessarily have to be a jumper.  As explained above it can be a hat, tinsel etc.


Christmas Lunch – Thursday 10th December (CCPS)


Dear Parent/Carer,

We are delighted to inform you that we will be offering our traditional Christmas Lunch to pupils next week.

Option 1 – Turkey and all the trimmings
Option 2 – Steak Pie
Option 3 – Vegetarian Christmas meal
Option 4 – Sandwiches (Choice of ham/cheese/tuna)

Some important information:

  • Christmas lunch will be available to pupils in Cochrane Castle Primary School only on Thursday 10th December (On this day, pupils in St David’s will only have a sandwich option)
  • Christmas lunch will be available to pupils in St David’s Primary School only on Friday 11th December (On this day, pupils in Cochrane Castle will only have a sandwich option)
  • Christmas lunch will be served in the Dining Hall – lunches will be staggered and seating plans will be created by staff to ensure the safety of all during this time. Pupils will be served at the table to avoid any queuing situations and entry/exit will be controlled via a one-way system.
  • Pupils are still welcome to bring a packed lunch on these days if they prefer.
  • Christmas lunches must be pre-ordered. Please discuss the options with your child at home and help them to choose their preferred option. We will take orders from pupils this Friday, 4th December, in school.

If you have any questions about the information in this letter, please get in touch with the school via the usual method.


Free school meal payments for Christmas holiday period

Free School Meals Payment December 2020

I am writing to advise that the Council will be making free school meal payments over the Christmas holiday period for pupils whose parent(s) or guardian(s) are in receipt of certain benefits which entitles their child to a free school meal.

Currently all children in primaries 1-3 receive a free school meal due to Scottish Government policy. However, only those families who would be eligible for a free school meal because of the benefits they receive will be able to get the payment. We would encourage anyone who thinks they may be eligible to apply for this payment as soon as possible.

To find out if you are eligible to apply, please visit the web page below:

All applications should be made no later than Thursday 10 December 2020 in order to receive payment in time for the Christmas holiday period.

The payment made for each child whose family qualify for free school meals will be £2.25 per day of the holiday period which based on 12 days holiday, amounts to £27 per child.

Please note, if you have already made an application for a free school meal in the 20/21 academic session then there is no need to apply again.

If you have any queries in relation to applying for free school meals, please contact 0300 300 0300.

Yours sincerely
Steven Quinn
Director of Children’s Services

Anti-Bullying Week 16th to 20th November 2020





You can find our Respect for All policy here.  This was written in line with Renfrewshire Council’s Anti Bullying Policy, which you can view here.

We created the policy as a Joint Campus as our school communities work so closely together and we believe that everyone who works here, learns here and visits here, deserves to be treated with respect.

All our staff, pupils and parents were consulted in creating this policy and we have captured their views throughout.  We continue to implement our policy in our daily actions and will review it as part of our school improvement cycle.

Our Together logo was launched last Christmas when we merged the winning pupil designs – we think it really represents our school campus vision:

Every day, we work and play, learning ways to get along.
Finding out, what life’s about, everybody moving on.

P1 Registration – reminder


Reminder: register your 🧒 child for primary one before Monday 9 November.

 If your child has their 5th birthday between 1 March 2021 and 28 February 2022, you should register them for school this week – and we’re asking you to do this online.

Go to anytime between now and Monday 9 November. 

You’ll need to have a few things ready to upload:

  1. a copy of your child’s full birth certificate
  2. proof of address – Council Tax and Child Benefit Statement (or Driving Licence, utility/bank statement showing last 3 months transactions)
  3. Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate (if applicable)

If you can’t register online, please phone your local catchment school to arrange an appointment. This is really important – please do not turn up at school without an appointment.

Guidance Letter to Parents/Carers re: Face coverings


As you will be aware, the Scottish Government has now confirmed details of the new protection level system to help stop the spread of coronavirus, and Renfrewshire has been placed in Level 3.

This brings with it some extra protection measures for our schools and nurseries.

The main changes relate to the use of face coverings from Monday 2 November and I would like to ask for your support as we implement these measures.

We would also ask that all parents or visitors entering school premises (building or playground), including drop-off or pick-up, to please wear a face covering.

As always, the safety of your children is the single biggest priority for us. We continue to follow all national guidance designed to keep our school community safe and we really appreciate your support and co-operation in helping to reduce the risk of covid-19 transmission within our schools.

You can read more about what we already have in place to ensure our schools and nurseries are safe on our Schools Health and Safety webpage. And more on what to do if you have a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19 in your household can be found on our Covid-19 Schools webpage.