Tag Archives: Homework

P5H Book Detective Homework – w/b 14.11.16

Good evening everyone as promised here is your Book Detectives homework for this week.

Today you were all given your new books and wrote your homework pages in your diary.  If you are unsure of these please ask me tomorrow and I will let you know what they are.

Blue –  Cool Clive – P3-23

Yellow – Me and my Newt P3-28

Red – Front Page Story P3-27

Green – Tomb Raider Introduction – P33

Once you have completed your reading you should complete your  two segments using the information from the chapters you have read.

Question Master:

Please write out 5 evaluative questions which can be shared with your group members during our next session on Tuesday. Remember with evaluative questions the answer is ‘beyond the lines’ in other words your questions should make your group

  • make judgements about what they have read and explain the reasons for those judgements
  • think of an answer based on their own  opinion
  • compare and contrast
  • question and assess the text
  • use evidence/proof to justify their answers

Examples of Evaluative questions are:

  • What makes this a good text? What evidence do you have to justify your opinion?
  • Could it be better? How?
  • Is it as good as …?
  • Which is better and why?

You must also have provide, sentence answers for each of your questions.


Please complete a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation of what you have drawn and why should also be included. If possible please colour your illustration with pencil.

Remember to choose a short section/paragraph from the book to read aloud to your group members. You should briefly record why you have chosen this section/paragraph.

This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter for Tuesday 22nd November.

Please remember if you do not complete this task fully you will be unable to participate in our class lesson and it will be recorded as incomplete homework.

See you tomorrow.

Mrs Hughes

P5S – Homework w/b 14.11.16

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good evening everyone! I hope you have had a great weekend. Here is your homework and reminders for this week. 

Spelling: Units 18 and 25 should be completed this week. As always, each word should be copied out 3 times and a creative spelling activity for ALL words should be completed in your spelling jotter.  Please complete a different activity from last week. This task should be returned to school by Friday.

Book Detectives: Your Book Detectives homework was issued last Thursday. Please click on the link below for the relevant information for your group. This homework is due for Thursday 17th November.

Book Detectives homework link

Personal Reading Challenge: This challenge is ongoing for the term. Please remember to record the books as you finish them in your reading passport which is kept in class.

Maths: Please click the link below for your maths homework. This task should be completed in your maths homework jotter. Please remember that although the link states this task should be completed by Thursday, you should return it to school by Friday. All jotters should now be covered. Paper can be supplied if needed.

The standard of work being completed has increased weekly. Keep this up P5S!

Group 1

Group 2

  1.  P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure you have a full change of kit for both these sessions: top, shorts and trainers. Girls, please ensure you have socks to wear if you are wearing tights. Once again, you should try to have a water bottle with you as the sessions will be rather energetic.
  2. If possible, please bring in a glass jar for an arts and craft activity we have planned for later this month. The jar should be cleaned out with the label removed. We do not need the lids.
  3. Our next visit to Bishopton library is on Tuesday 29th November. We will need one parent helper to come with us. Please ask at home to see if anyone is available to come with us. We will leave school at 10.00 am and be back in time for break at 11.00am.
  4. The Travel Champions poster competition closes on Wednesday.

Enjoy the remainder of the weekend. See you in the morning.

Mrs O’Neill

P5 group 2 Maths Homework – w/b 14.11.16

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Thursday.

Have a Go – Word Problems

  1. Mrs. Hughes started P5 with 99 pencils.  So far she has given out 17.  How many pencils does she have left?
  2. Adam has 278 Pokémon cards of which 80 are doublers. he gives these away to his friends.  How many Pokémon cards does he have now?
  3. Holly was watching a film on T.V. for 135 minutes.  The adverts lasted for 15 minutes, how long is the actual film?
  4.  Mrs. Fraser is putting up borders in both the P5 classes.  She has a roll of border 130m long.  She cuts off a 25m length, how much border is left in the roll?
  5. Bishopton Primary was raising money for charity.  Their target amount was £500.  They managed to raise £390, how short of their target were they?
  6. Emma brought 208 colouring pencils to school.  During the first term she lost 26.  How many pencils did she have for starting the second term?

Challenge Question: Eva buys a bracelet at £2.50 and a ring at £1.50.  How much change does she get from £10.00?

P5 group 1 Maths Homework w/b 14.11.16

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Thursday.

Have a Go – Word Problems

  1. Mrs. Hughes started P5 with 99 pencils.  So far she has given out 32.  How many pencils does she have left?
  2. Adam has 278 Pokémon cards of which 88 are doublers. he gives these away to his friends.  How many Pokémon cards does he have now?
  3. Holly was watching a film on T.V. for 137 minutes.  The adverts lasted for 19 minutes, how long is the actual film?
  4.  Mrs. Fraser is putting up borders in both the P5 classes.  She has a roll of border 103m long.  She cuts off a 25m length, how much border is left in the roll?
  5. Bishopton Primary was raising money for charity.  Their target amount was £500.  They managed to raise £385, how short of their target were they?
  6. Emma brought 200 colouring pencils to school.  During the first term she lost 28.  How many pencils did she have for starting the second term?

Challenge Question: Eva buys a bracelet at £2.65 and a ring at £1.48.  How much change does she get from £10.00?

P5H Homework and Reminders – w/b 14.11.16

Good afternoon, I hope you have had a lovely weekend so far and are ready for another busy week. Please keep reading for your homework and reminders.

Spelling: Please complete list able or silent k in your spelling homework jotter for Thursday. You should complete a new task of your choice from the spelling homework activity grid you were given. If there are any you are unsure of please let me know in class and I will go over them with you. Please remember to complete a different spelling activity from this grid each week.

Book Detectives:

Please remember your Book Detectives homework is due for Tuesday 15th.  If you are unsure of what your homework is you can find it here:

Book Detectives Homework


Personal Reading Challenge:  Your reading challenge will continue until the end of term. You should read at least 4 books by Tuesday 20th December.  Remember to record the books you have been reading in you Reading Passport.

Remember you can bring a book from home into school each day and you can read it during our ERIC sessions. This will help you get through your book quicker.

Maths:  This week I have posted another set of worded problems on your maths homework blog.  Please complete these in  your maths homework jotter. As always, please read each question carefully. You should ensure you are showing workings AND giving a sentence answer. This homework is due for Thursday.

Both group 1 and group 2 can find their maths homework here:

Group 1 Maths Homework

Group 2 Maths Homework

Please also remember to continue to practise your times tables. We will be moving onto the topic of multiplication and division very soon and it is very important that you can recall your multiplication facts quickly and accurately.

Here are your reminders for this week.

  1. P. E. is on Tuesday and Thursday.  As both our P.E. sessions are particularly energetic please ensure you have a full kit to change into particularly on Thursday as our P.E. session is in the morning: shorts, trainers and a change of top. Girls, please remember to bring socks if you are wearing tights. Also please remember to have a full water bottle with you.
  2. If you have not already done so please remember to return your walking consent form.
  3. A number of you have still not covered your homework jotters. Please try to have this done as soon as possible with your name and type of homework clearly marked on the front.
  4. The Travel Champions poster competition closes on Wednesday.

Enjoy what’s left of the weekend.

See you all on Monday.

Mrs Hughes

P7M Homework – Monday 14th November

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible. Try not to get stressed or upset about homework – it really isn’t worth it! Ask your parent/carer to write a note if you are unable to  attempt any task. Thank you.


  • Reading – Please see below for the pages you have to read. We will no longer be completing any Book Detectives jobs at home. The only reading homework you have, is to read!
    • Blue: Split! – Whole book by Monday 21st
    • Orange: Deadly, Animal Heroes, Extreme Fear or Trapped! – Whole book by Monday 21st
    • Purple: Own choice of novel – Whole book by Monday 21st
    • Red: Fun or Fear? or Fun with Food – Whole book by Monday 14th
    • Yellow: Me and My Newt – Whole book by Monday 14th
    • Green: Secret and Lies – Whole book by Monday 21st
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.
  • Spelling – Unit/List 5 – Please complete Unit/List 4 in your Spelling Homework jotter for Friday 18th November. Please practise your spelling words on Spelling City (not compulsory).
  • Solo Talk – plan and prepare a 2-3 minute talk on a subject of your choice for Tuesday 22nd November. Click here for the criteria and hints and tips.



  • P.E. Monday  and Thursday 9-10am – Please wear your P.E. kit to school and then change into your uniform.
  • We are still looking for one adult/parent helper to accompany us on a visit to the library on Friday 18th November from 11.00-12.00. Please write a note in your child’s diary to let me know if you can help. Thank you in advance.
  • If you have not returned your Walking Consent form, you must do so before our visit to the library on Friday 18th  or you will not be able to join us and your buddies.
  • Would you like to design a flyer for the Christmas Fair with the chance of winning 2 cinema vouchers? If so, please visit this link: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/re/bishopton/2016/11/09/design-a-flyer-for-the-christmas-flyer/

Remember if you need a paper copy of any of the homework tasks, please ask.

P5S – Book Detectives Homework due 17.11.16

Image result for reading books cartoon

As discussed in class, you will read a set amount of pages per week. Please see below for the pages to be read by each group this week.

Green:  Sing for Supper – Please read chapters 1 – 2: pages 3-31 inclusive.

Yellow:    The Personality Potion– Please read chapters 1-3: pages 3-28 inclusive.

Red:   Kid Wonder and the Terrible Truth – Please read chapters 1-3: pages 3-24 inclusive

Blue:   Call 999 – Please read chapters 1-3: pages 3-28 inclusive.

Once you have completed the reading each week you should then complete two segments using the information from the chapters read: Question Master and Illustrator.  A short section from the book should also be chosen to read aloud to your group members.

We have gone over the types of questions you should be coming up with this week: evaluative. These questions are your thoughts and opinions on what you have read, eg. Why do you think Sonia’s dad did not want to be entered into the cake competition?  Please come up with 5 questions which can be shared with your group members during our next session. You must also have detailed answers for each of your questions. Please remember your answers should be written in full sentences.

You should also completed a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation should also be included. This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter.

Please remember that you will be unable to participate in our class lesson if you do not complete this task.

P5H Book Detective Homework – w/b 7.11.16

Good evening, as predicted the snow has arrived!

Here is you Book Detectives homework for this week.

Blue:  Billy’s Luck – Please read from chapter 3 to the end of your book.

Yellow:  Dads Win Prizes – Please read from chapter 5 to the end of your book.

Red:  Pet Squad – Please read from chapter 6 to the end of your book.

Green:  Antarctic Adventure – Please read from chapter 4 to the end of your book.

Once you have completed your reading you should complete your  two segments using the information from the chapters you have read.

Question Master:

Please write out 5 literal questions which can be shared with your group members during our next session on Tuesday. Remember with literal questions the answer is right there in the text. You must also have detailed, sentence answers for each of your questions.


Please complete a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation should also be included.

Remember to choose a short section/paragraph from the book to read aloud to your group members. You should briefly record why you have chosen this section/paragraph.

This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter for Tuesday 15th November.

Please remember if you do not complete this task you will be unable to participate in our class lesson and it will be recorded as incomplete homework.

I will see you all in class  after break tomorrow.

Mrs Hughes

P5H Homework and Reminders – w/b 7/11/16

Good afternoon, I hope you have had a lovely weekend and are rested and relaxed ready for another busy week. Please keep reading for your homework and reminders.

Spelling: Please complete either less or silent w in your spelling homework jotter for Thursday. You all now have a new spelling homework activity grid and I have explained each activity to you. If there are any you are unsure of please let me know in class and I will go back over them. Please remember to complete a different spelling activity from this grid each week.

Book Detectives:

Please remember your Book Detectives homework is due for Tuesday this week as we have swapped our language days.  If you have forgotten what your homework was you can see it on your Book Detective blog posted last week.

Personal Reading Challenge:  Your reading challenge will continue until the end of term. You should read at least 4 books by Tuesday 20th December. Most of you have made a good start to the challenge, keep it up!

Remember you can bring a book from home into school each day and you can read it during our ERIC sessions. This will help you get through your book quicker.

Maths:  This week Mrs O’Neill has posted another set of worded problems on your maths homework blog.  Please complete these in  your maths homework jotter. We have discussed how to do these questions in class. As always, please read each question carefully. You should ensure you are showing workings AND giving a sentence answer.

It can be a bit tricky to decide what the question is asking but we will have lots of practice this term so it should become easier as the weeks go by. We will also be practicing these types of questions in class too.

Please remember that although the blog says these questions are due for Friday, yours are due for Thursday.

Here are your reminders for this week.

  1. P. E. is on Tuesday and Thursday.  As both our P.E. sessions are particularly energetic please ensure you have a full kit to change into: shorts, trainers and a change of top. Girls, please remember to bring socks if you are wearing tights. Also please remember to have a full water bottle with you.
  2. Photographs should be returned to school by Thursday at the latest.
  3. If you have not already done so please remember to return your walking consent form.
  4. A number of you have still not covered your homework jotters. Please try to have this done as soon as possible with your name and type of homework clearly marked on the front.

Enjoy what’s left of the weekend.

See you in the morning.

Mrs Hughes

P5 – Group 1 Maths Homework w/b 7.11.16

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

Word Problems

Image result for jotter and pen clipart

  1. Mrs O’Neill asked Heather and Kate to count the scissors in class. There were 14 pairs of scissors in each block. If we have 3 blocks, how many scissors did the girls count altogether?
  1. Charlie has been saving his pocket money for 7 weeks now. If Charlie receives £6.50 each week, how much has he saved?
  1. Cameron has 36 packets of Haribos hidden in his school bag. If he was to share them equally between himself and 5 of his classmates, how many packets would they get each?
  1. There are 52 weeks in a year. If Mirren reads one book every 2 weeks, how many would she read in a year?
  1. Emma likes to collect pencils. She has collected 6 pencils every week for 8 weeks. How many pencils does Emma now have?
  1. Mikey has scored 12 goals for his football team in his last 4 games. If he scored the same amount in each game, how many did he score each week?
  1. Chloe went to the cinema to see Trolls. Her ticket was £4.75. If she paid with a £10.00 note, how much change would she receive?
  1. (Challenge question)  There are 22 children in P5S. If we have an even number of red and blue chairs in class, how many red and blue chairs would we have?

P5S – Homework w/b 7.11.16

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good morning everyone! I hope you have had a lovely weekend so far. Here is a rundown of our week ahead.

Spelling: Units 17 and 24 should be completed in your spelling homework jotter. The spelling sheets for these units will be issued in class tomorrow. I will also be issuing new Creative Spelling activities for you to use. We will glue them into your jotter on tomorrow.

As always, please copy out each word 3 times and complete a Creative Spelling activity using ALL of your words. This task should be returned to school by Friday.

Book Detectives: Please click on the link below to read your Book Detectives homework for this week.

Book Detectives homework link

Personal Reading Challenge: Your reading challenge is ongoing until the end of term. You should read at least 4 books by Tuesday 20th December. Many of you are on target to smash this challenge – a HUGE well done to you! There are a few others who may need to increase their reading a little to try and achieve the target.

Please remember to bring your personal reader to school each day so you can read it during our ERIC sessions. This will help you get through your book quicker.

Maths: I have posted your maths word problems on our blog. Please access the relevant link below for your group. As always, please read each question carefully. You should ensure you are showing workings AND giving a sentence answer

Group 1

Group 2

Here are your reminders for this week.

  1.  P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure you have a full change of kit for both these sessions: top, shorts and trainers. Girls, please ensure you have socks to wear if you are wearing tights. Once again, you should try to have a water bottle with you as the sessions will be rather energetic.
  2. Photographs should be returned to school by Thursday at the latest.
  3. If possible, please bring in a glass jar for an arts and craft activity we have planned for later this month. The jar should be cleaned out with the label removed. We do not need the lids.

Enjoy the remainder of the weekend. See you on tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

P5 – Group 2 Maths Homework w/b 7.11.16

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

Word Problems

Image result for jotter and pen clipart

  1. Mrs O’Neill asked Heather and Kate to count the scissors in class. Each block holds 14 pairs of scissors. If we have 2 blocks, how many scissors did the girls count altogether?
  1. Charlie has been saving his pocket money for 7 weeks now. If Charlie receives £6.00 each week, how much has he saved?
  1. Cameron has 36 packets of Haribos hidden in his school bag. If he was to give 6 of his classmates an equal amount of packets, how many packets would they get each?
  1. There are 12 months in a year. If Mirren reads two books every month, how many would she read in a year?
  1. Emma likes to collect pencils. She has collected 6 pencils every week for 8 weeks. How many pencils does Emma now have?
  1. Mikey has scored 3 goals for his football team in every game for the last 4 weeks. How many goals has he scored in total?
  1. Chloe went to the cinema to see Trolls. Her ticket was £4.50. If she paid with a £10.00 note, how much change would she receive?
  1. (Challenge question)    There are 23 children, plus Mrs O’Neill, in P5S. How many shoes would we have in the class in total?

P7M Homework – Monday 7th November

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible. Try not to get stressed or upset about homework – it really isn’t worth it! Ask your parent/carer to write a note if you are unable to  attempt any task. Thank you.


  • Reading – Please see below for the pages you have to read. We will no longer be completing any Book Detectives jobs at home. The only reading homework you have, is to read!
    • Blue: Split! – Whole book by Monday 21st
    • Orange: Code Breakers, Ghostly, Dangers of the Deep or Mystery of the Skies – Whole book by Monday 14th
    • Purple: Own choice of novel – Whole book by Monday 21st
    • Red: Fun or Fear? or Fun with Food – Whole book by Monday 14th
    • Yellow: Me and My Newt – Whole book by Monday 14th
    • Green: Secret and Lies – Whole book by Monday 21st
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.
  • Spelling – Unit/List 5 – Please complete Unit/List 4 in your Spelling Homework jotter for Friday 18th November. Please practise your spelling words on Spelling City (not compulsory).
  • Solo Talk – plan and prepare a 2-3 minute talk on a subject of your choice for Tuesday 22nd November. Click here for the criteria and hints and tips.



  • P.E. Monday  and Thursday 9-10am – Please wear your P.E. kit to school and then change into your uniform.
  • We are looking for two adult/parent helpers to accompany us on a visit to the library on Tuesday 8th November from 11.15-12.15. We also require two adult/parent helpers on Friday 18th November from 11.00-12.00. Please write a note in your child’s diary to let me know if you can help. Thank you in advance.
  • If you have not returned your Walking Consent form, you must do so before our visit to the library on Tuesday 8th or you will not be able to join us.

Remember if you need a paper copy of any of the homework tasks, please ask.

5H Book Detectives Homework – due 8.11.16

Yesterday you were all put into your new groups and given your new reading books. As we discussed in class, you will read approximately half of your book per week. Please see below for the pages to be read by each group this week.

Blue:  Billy’s Luck – Please read to the end of chapter 2 (p23).

Yellow:  Dads Win Prizes – Please read to the end of chapter 4 (p18).

Red:  Pet Squad – Please read to the end of chapter 5 (p21).

Green:  Antarctic Adventure – Please read to the end of chapter 3 (p27).

Once you have completed your reading you should complete your  two segments using the information from the chapters you have read i.e. Question Master and Illustrator.  You should also choose a short section/paragraph from the book to read aloud to your group members. You should briefly record why you have chosen this section/paragraph.

In class yesterday we went over the types of questions you should be coming up with this week: literal (the answer is found directly in the text). Please write out 5 questions which can be shared with your group members during our next session on Tuesday (due to us changing our Book Detective day). You must also have detailed answers for each of your questions.

You should also complete a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation should also be included. This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter.

Please remember if you do not complete this task you will be unable to participate in our class lesson and it will be recorded as incomplete homework.

P5S – Book Detectives Homework – due 10.11.16

Image result for reading books cartoon

Here is your book Detectives homework for the this week.

All groups (Blue, Red, Yellow and Green) should complete the second half of their book. Once you have completed the reading, please come up with 5 literal questions (questions where the answer can be found directly in the text) for your Question Master segment. Answers to your questions should also be given. Please complete a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story. A short, written explanation should also be given.

This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter for Thursday 10th November.  Please remember you will be unable to participate in the class lesson if you do not complete this task.

Group 2 Maths Homework – w/b 31.10.16

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Thursday for P5H and Friday for P5S

  1. Ryan collected 93 sweets on Halloween night from his street. His sister also collected  66. How many sweets were there altogether?
  2. There are 24 ghosts living in the old haunted house on the hill. There are 6 ghosts in each room. How many rooms are there?Image result for haunted cartoon house
  1. Tremor Troll was very upset. He believed Trogmire Troll’s claim that there were 550 humans living under Tremor’s bed. Tremor was relieved when he found that there were really only 200 humans under his bed. How many more humans did Trogmire say that there were.
  2. Chris went to the Halloween party dressed as a spider. He paid £5 for his costume. His sister, Laurie, went to the party dressed as a stomach ache. She paid 6 times as much for her costume as Chris. How much did Laurie pay for her costume?
  3. 4 pumpkins in each row, 8 rows, and not one more, Altogether we should know,  the pumpkin’s number is ?

Group 1 Maths Homework – w/b 31.10.16

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Thursday for P5H and Friday for P5S

  1. Ryan collected 93 sweets on Halloween night from his street. His sister also collected  67. How many sweets were there altogether?
  2. There are 72 ghosts living in the old haunted house on the hill. There are 8 ghosts in each room. How many rooms are there?Image result for haunted cartoon house


  1. Tremor Troll was very upset. He believed Trogmire Troll’s claim that there were 500 humans living under Tremor’s bed. Tremor was relieved when he found that there were really only 150 humans under his bed. How many more humans did Trogmire say that there were?
  2. Chris went to the Halloween party dressed as a spider. He paid £8 for his costume. His sister, Laurie, went to the party dressed as a stomach ache. She paid 6 times as much for her costume as Chris. How much did Laurie pay for her costume?
  3. 9 pumpkins in each row, 12 rows, and not one more, Altogether we should know,  the pumpkin’s number is ?





P5H Homework & Reminders – w/b 31.10.16

Good evening, I hope you have had as nice a weekend as I have after the busy week we have just had.  Yet again we have another busy week ahead of us. Keep reading for your homework and reminders.

Spelling: Please complete either se, ze for z or silent b in your spelling homework jotter for Thursday. I will give you all a new spelling homework activity grid tomorrow and explain each activity to you. Please complete a different spelling activity from this grid each week.

Book Detectives:  We will be setting up our new Book Detective groups on Thursday, therefore I will post your homework on Thursday.

Personal Reading Challenge:  As we discussed in class, you should read at least 4 books, chosen by you, this term. You should now be well into your first book. Once you have completed a book, you should fill in your personal reading passport which will now be kept in class.  Please make sure you bring them into school tomorrow (Mon 31st)

Maths:  This week I have posted another set of worded problems to complete in your maths homework jotter. We have discussed how to do these questions in class. It can be a bit tricky to decide what the question is asking but we will have lots of practice this term so it should become easier as the weeks go by. We will also be practicing these types of questions in class too.

Remember practice makes perfect!

Please read the instructions carefully to ensure all aspects of the task are being completed.

Topic: Next week as part of our topic we will be looking at Bishopton and comparing it to a small town in Brazil. To prepare for this I would like you to keep a diary for a day. Choose a day this week and keep a note of your daily routine. You should consider the following:

  • What time do you get up?
  • What do you do in the morning before school?
  • What time do you leave for school?
  • How do you get there?
  • What did you do in school through the day?
  • Do you attend any clubs after school?
  • When do you have dinner?
  • What time do you go to bed?

Paper will be issued for you to complete the task on. This task should be returned to school by Monday 7th Nov.

Here are your reminders for this week.

  1. P. E. is on Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure you have a full kit to change into: shorts, top and trainers. Girls, please remember to bring socks if you are wearing tights. Both our P.E. sessions are going to be energetic so please remember to have a water bottle with you.
  2. Photographs will be issued this week and are due to be returned by Thursday 10th November.
  3. The Christmas card orders have been sent out and are due to be returned by Tuesday 1st November. We have a very tight time limit for returning your cards so please remember to bring them to school.

Enjoy what’s left of the weekend.

See you in the morning.

Mrs Hughes


P5S – Homework w/b 31.10.16

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good evening P5S! I hope you have had a lovely weekend after the busy week we have just had. Lots of photographs from some of our lessons have been posted. Please show them to someone at home. As always we have another busy week ahead of us. Keep reading for a rundown of your homework and reminders.

Spelling:  Unit 16 or 23 should be completed in your spelling homework jotter for Friday. Try to complete a different Creative Spelling activity from last week.

Book Detectives:  Please click the link below to see your Book Detectives homework which should be completed for Thursday.  Please remember if you do not complete the task, you will be unable to participate in the class lesson.

Book Detectives homework link

Personal Reading Challenge:  As discussed in class, you should read at least 4 extra books this term. You should now be well into your first book. I know that some  people are now onto their second book. Fabulous! Once you have completed a book, you should fill in your reading record which is being kept in class.

Maths:  This week you have another set of worded problems to complete in your maths homework jotter. Last week in class we chatted about how to work out what type of calculation the question is asking you to do. It can be quite tricky but we will have lots of practice this term so hopefully it will become easier as the weeks go by. We will also be practicing these types of questions in class too. Remember practice makes perfect!

Please read the instructions carefully to ensure all aspects of the task are being completed. If you are unsure as to how you should layout your work, please look at the post for “Examples of Good Work”.

Please click your group link below.

Group 1

Group 2

Topic: Next week we will be looking at Bishopton and comparing it to a small town in Brazil. In preparation for this I would like you to keep a diary for a day. Choose a day this week and keep a note of your daily routine. You should consider the following:

  • What time do you get up?
  • What do you do in the morning before school?
  • What time do you leave for school?
  • How do you get there?
  • What did you do in school through the day?
  • Do you attend any clubs after school?
  • When do you have dinner?
  • What time do you go to bed?

Paper will be issued for you to complete the task on. This task should be returned to school by Friday.

Here are your reminders for this week.

  1. P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure you have a full kit to change into: shorts, top and trainers. Girls, please remember to bring socks if you are wearing tights. As both our P.E. sessions are going to be rather energetic, please ensure you have a water bottle with you.
  2. On Tuesday we have our first visit to the library. Please bring a suitable jacket with you as we will be going whatever the weather. If you have a library card, please bring this with you.
  3. The Christmas card orders have been sent out and are due to be returned by Tuesday 1st November.
  4. Photographs will be issued this week and are due to be returned by Thursday 10th November.

See you in the morning.

Mrs O’Neill

P7M Homework – Monday 31st October

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible. Try not to get stressed or upset about homework – it really isn’t worth it! Ask your parent/carer to write a note if you are unable to  attempt any task. Thank you.


  • Reading – Please see below for the pages you have to read. We will no longer be completing any Book Detectives jobs at home. The only reading homework you have, is to read!
Blue Orange Purple Red Yellow Green
Born Lucky and Other Tales of the Past Code Breakers




Dangers of the Deep

Own Choice of novel Wild and Windy


Robots Rule!

Billy’s Luck Auntie Madge and Other Aliens
Whole book by Friday 4th Whole book by Monday 7th Whole book by Friday 4th Whole book by Monday 7th Whole book by Monday 7th Whole book by Friday 4th
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.
  • Spelling – Unit/List 4 – Please complete Unit/List 4 in your Spelling Homework jotter for Friday 4th November. Please practise your spelling words on Spelling City (not compulsory).
  • Solo Talk – plan and prepare a 2-3 minute talk on a subject of your choice for Tuesday 22nd November. Click here for the criteria and hints and tips.



  • P.E. Monday  and Thursday 9-10am – Please wear your P.E. kit to school and then change into your uniform.

Remember if you need a paper copy of any of the homework tasks, please ask.

P5S – Book Detectives

Image result for reading books cartoon

Today you were put into your new groups and issued with your new reading books. As discussed in class, you will read a set amount of pages per week. Please see below for the pages to be read by each group this week.

Blue:   Billy’s Luck – Please read chapters 1-2: pages 3-23 inclusive.

Red:     Dads Win Prizes – Please read chapters 1-5: pages 3-27 inclusive.

Yellow:   Front Page Story – Please read chapters 1-3: pages 3-27 inclusive

Green:   Tomb Raiders – Please read chapters 1-3: pages 4-33 inclusive.

Once you have completed the reading each week you should then complete two segments using the information from the chapters read: Question Master and Illustrator.  A short section from the book should also be chosen to read aloud to your group members.

We have gone over the types of questions you should be coming up with this week: literal (the answer is found directly in the text). Please come up with 5 questions which can be shared with your group members during our next session. You must also have detailed answers for each of your questions.

You should also completed a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation should also be included. This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter.

Please remember that you will be unable to participate in our class lesson if you do not complete this task.

Homework W/B 24.10.2016


  • Reading – The children have been given a new reading homework grid. Please read the information at the top that will outline how the reading is changing this term.
  • Spelling rule – ur (burst, curly, turning, turkey, nurse, hamburger, ?,? there, where).  The Twits spelling rule – qu


  • The children have to revise their recall speed of number bonds to 10. I have suggested some ways to the children of doing this however they can select how to revise this.


Beginning next Monday, P3 will be visiting the library on a 2 week rotation. If anyone is able to help on a Monday afternoon from 1.30pm please put a note in your child’s diary. Thank you.

P5H – w/b 24.10.16 Homework and Reminders

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you have all had a superb October break. We have had quite a bit of sunshine this holiday, hopefully it will continue when we get back to school. Please read on to see you homework and reminders.

Spelling: Please complete list s for z or aw in your spelling homework jotter.  Each word should be written out three times.  A creative spelling activity, using ALL of your words, should also be completed. This task should be returned to school by Thursday. Please remember to practice your words throughout the week, NOT just when you are completing the task.

Personal Reading Challenge: This term we will be completing a challenge to help increase the amount of reading you do each week. The challenge will be ongoing for the whole term. I will go over the finer details of the challenge with you in class on Monday.

 Maths: Our maths homework will take a different format this term.  Most weeks you will have worded problems to complete. These problems will be posted on our class blog (this week they have been posted by Mrs O’Neill). If you are unable to access the blog, please ask for a paper copy of the questions.

Your answers should be completed, neatly, in your maths homework jotter. I will let you know on Monday (24th) which group you are in so that you know which questions to answer. Please cover your jotter before handing in your homework on Thursday.

I know many of you are enjoying  accessing the games on Mangahigh. If you wish to, please continue to do so, as practice makes perfect.

Art: As part of our Brazil topic we will be looking at a Brazilian artist: Beatriz Milhazes. Next week in class we will be recreating some of her paintings. For homework this week I would like you to access the link below and familiarise yourself with her work. Some of the vocabulary used is a little tricky but please remember if you are unsure of what a word means, please use a dictionary (or ask) to check the definition.

You should then write a short paragraph (no more than 50 words) about Beatriz and her work. This should be in your own words as much as possible – DO NOT just copy directly from the text. Let me know your personal thoughts on her paintings. Think about the following questions when writing your paragraph.

  • When and where was she born?
  • What style of art does she create?
  • What do you think of it?
  • Why do you think that?
  • Is there a particular painting you like?
  • Why do you like it?

Beatriz Milhazes

You should leave your paragraph as a post on our blog and I will publish them all at the end of the week. If you are unable to post on the blog, please complete your paragraph on paper. This task should be completed for Thursday.


Here are your reminders for this week.

  1. Please remember that our lunch menu has changed for this week only. The menu scheduled for Monday will now be served on Thursday which means Thursday’s menu will be served on Monday.
  2. You should all have taken your P.E. kit home at the end of last term to be washed. Please remember to bring it to school for our P.E. sessions on Tuesday and Thursday.
  3. Some of you have still to return your “walking” consent forms. Please ensure it is returned to school as soon as we return from our October break.
  4. If you have not already done so please remember to cover your Literacy and Book Detective homework jotters.

Enjoy what’s left of the October break. I look forward to hearing all of your news at check in tomorrow.

Mrs Hughes