P5H Homework and Reminders – w/b 7/11/16

Good afternoon, I hope you have had a lovely weekend and are rested and relaxed ready for another busy week. Please keep reading for your homework and reminders.

Spelling: Please complete either less or silent w in your spelling homework jotter for Thursday. You all now have a new spelling homework activity grid and I have explained each activity to you. If there are any you are unsure of please let me know in class and I will go back over them. Please remember to complete a different spelling activity from this grid each week.

Book Detectives:

Please remember your Book Detectives homework is due for Tuesday this week as we have swapped our language days.  If you have forgotten what your homework was you can see it on your Book Detective blog posted last week.

Personal Reading Challenge:  Your reading challenge will continue until the end of term. You should read at least 4 books by Tuesday 20th December. Most of you have made a good start to the challenge, keep it up!

Remember you can bring a book from home into school each day and you can read it during our ERIC sessions. This will help you get through your book quicker.

Maths:  This week Mrs O’Neill has posted another set of worded problems on your maths homework blog.  Please complete these in  your maths homework jotter. We have discussed how to do these questions in class. As always, please read each question carefully. You should ensure you are showing workings AND giving a sentence answer.

It can be a bit tricky to decide what the question is asking but we will have lots of practice this term so it should become easier as the weeks go by. We will also be practicing these types of questions in class too.

Please remember that although the blog says these questions are due for Friday, yours are due for Thursday.

Here are your reminders for this week.

  1. P. E. is on Tuesday and Thursday.  As both our P.E. sessions are particularly energetic please ensure you have a full kit to change into: shorts, trainers and a change of top. Girls, please remember to bring socks if you are wearing tights. Also please remember to have a full water bottle with you.
  2. Photographs should be returned to school by Thursday at the latest.
  3. If you have not already done so please remember to return your walking consent form.
  4. A number of you have still not covered your homework jotters. Please try to have this done as soon as possible with your name and type of homework clearly marked on the front.

Enjoy what’s left of the weekend.

See you in the morning.

Mrs Hughes

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