P5S – Homework w/b 7.11.16

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Good morning everyone! I hope you have had a lovely weekend so far. Here is a rundown of our week ahead.

Spelling: Units 17 and 24 should be completed in your spelling homework jotter. The spelling sheets for these units will be issued in class tomorrow. I will also be issuing new Creative Spelling activities for you to use. We will glue them into your jotter on tomorrow.

As always, please copy out each word 3 times and complete a Creative Spelling activity using ALL of your words. This task should be returned to school by Friday.

Book Detectives: Please click on the link below to read your Book Detectives homework for this week.

Book Detectives homework link

Personal Reading Challenge: Your reading challenge is ongoing until the end of term. You should read at least 4 books by Tuesday 20th December. Many of you are on target to smash this challenge – a HUGE well done to you! There are a few others who may need to increase their reading a little to try and achieve the target.

Please remember to bring your personal reader to school each day so you can read it during our ERIC sessions. This will help you get through your book quicker.

Maths: I have posted your maths word problems on our blog. Please access the relevant link below for your group. As always, please read each question carefully. You should ensure you are showing workings AND giving a sentence answer

Group 1

Group 2

Here are your reminders for this week.

  1.  P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure you have a full change of kit for both these sessions: top, shorts and trainers. Girls, please ensure you have socks to wear if you are wearing tights. Once again, you should try to have a water bottle with you as the sessions will be rather energetic.
  2. Photographs should be returned to school by Thursday at the latest.
  3. If possible, please bring in a glass jar for an arts and craft activity we have planned for later this month. The jar should be cleaned out with the label removed. We do not need the lids.

Enjoy the remainder of the weekend. See you on tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

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