P5 – Group 1 Maths Homework w/b 7.11.16

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Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

Word Problems

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  1. Mrs O’Neill asked Heather and Kate to count the scissors in class. There were 14 pairs of scissors in each block. If we have 3 blocks, how many scissors did the girls count altogether?
  1. Charlie has been saving his pocket money for 7 weeks now. If Charlie receives £6.50 each week, how much has he saved?
  1. Cameron has 36 packets of Haribos hidden in his school bag. If he was to share them equally between himself and 5 of his classmates, how many packets would they get each?
  1. There are 52 weeks in a year. If Mirren reads one book every 2 weeks, how many would she read in a year?
  1. Emma likes to collect pencils. She has collected 6 pencils every week for 8 weeks. How many pencils does Emma now have?
  1. Mikey has scored 12 goals for his football team in his last 4 games. If he scored the same amount in each game, how many did he score each week?
  1. Chloe went to the cinema to see Trolls. Her ticket was £4.75. If she paid with a £10.00 note, how much change would she receive?
  1. (Challenge question)  There are 22 children in P5S. If we have an even number of red and blue chairs in class, how many red and blue chairs would we have?

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