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Welcome back

Term 4 is here already! I hope you all had a lovely holiday, the children have told me all about the wonderful activities they have been up to.

I have updated the class information page. This is where you will find information about our maths, language and topics for term 4. Our first topic is the body which will also link with our science.  If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.

As of next week I will be issuing maths homework, this will consist of a table, along one side will be different questions and alone the top will have the days of the week with a number which the children will use to answer the questions.

This is our last term together and I am sure it will be just as fantastic or even better than our previous terms!

Maths Homework

Today children were issued with a maths homework grid of a similar format to their Wednesday spelling grid. Children will complete one activity per week and tick them off as they are completed. These activities reinforce the areas which we have focussed on throughout the school year and are aimed to provide the children with more active activities, which they can do around their home.

Have a lovely day!
Miss Hamilton

P5S – Titanic Facts Fun

Image result for titanic

This afternoon we had our first research task for our Titanic topic. We used the new laptops to find out lots and lots of facts (some of which were very interesting). Can you remember where and when the Titanic left on her maiden voyage? What facts did you learn about the crew? When did the Titanic sink? How long did it take? Please share some of the facts you learned with someone at home.

Using these fascinating facts you were to create a group poster showing your new knowledge. How did your group do? We had a wee chat at the end of the day to see which groups worked well with one another today. I was pleased to see that you were all very honest with your feedback. Please ensure you are discussing any issues which may arise during topic tasks. You are a new group working together for the first time so you may need to compromise with one another at times.

The posters are looking great and I am looking forward to showing them off once they are completed. Just remember they should include facts and it’s not all about the illustrations.

Here are a few photographs from this afternoon.

Cycling Proficiency

P6 Cycling Proficiency will start Thursday next week (4th May) for P6G and Wednesday (3rd May) for P6P.

Miss Cauley and I will be teaching Level 1 this week and ask that you bring your bikes to school Friday this week, as well as the days next week for your class. Please remember to bring helmets.

Miss Grant and Miss Cauley

Food Technology

We are always talking about way in which we can keep healthy in P2H. Today we discussed healthy foods and what you might include in a healthy lunch. Then the children were given the opportunity to prepare a healthy sandwich. We are looking forward to making our fruit yoghurt desert next week!

P4a Homework 24.4.17

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely weekend and Easter break. I was very busy last week with the primary 7s on their trip to Kingswood. Here is this weeks homework📒.

Reading 📚 – Big Cats have been collected in, pupils have been encouraged to read their Book Detectives or library/class novel this week and I will be completing running records with the children.

Spelling 📝

📘 – giraffe, gymnastics, emergency, dungeon, urgency, gigantic, tragedy, manageable, different and following

📕 – margin, angel, digital, giraffe, magical, dungeon, around and another.

📗 – division, revision, pension, mission, mansion, decision, live and great.

Maths📚 – We will also be focusing on our times tables, the Jelly Tots and Haribos will be focusing on the 6,7,8 and 9 times tables and the Chewits will be revising their 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables. We will be focusing on setting out our times tables in vertical format.

All children received maths homework today, if they are stuck please encourage them to come and ask for help before Friday.

Times Tables –

P1H Homework

The children wrote their own homework diaries this week for the first time!  Their homework for this week is as follows:

Reading books

New sound – ou

Blending booklets – oo



PE days are Thursday and Friday this term.  Could children bring in outdoor PE kit for these days and if the weather is kind, we will be going outside.  Joggies, hoody and trainers would be ideal.  They can be left in school if this is easier or taken home each day – let your child know what they have to do!!

We have been having great fun during our Rookie Rockstars rehearsals this week and have a great show lined up for next week at Ingliston!

Best wishes

Mrs Campbell

P5 Titanic Facts – 25.4.17

All About the Titanic

Group Task

Part 1: In pairs, group members are required to research information about the Titanic using only the links below. Your information should include:

  • Which company owned the Titanic
  • Where the Titanic was built and by which company, how long did it take from start to finish.
  • Statistics for the Titanic e.g. weight, height, length, number of lifeboats etc
  • Where and when her maiden voyage began
  • Information about the crew
  • Passenger facts
  • When she sank
  • Any other fascinating facts you can find

You should also produce a sketch of the Titanic in your jotter.

You have 1hour to complete the task and share your information with your group.

Titanic the Unsinkable Ship

Titanic Facts for Kids

Fascinating Facts

Cool Facts for Kids



Book Club

This term I am opening book club to P4’s as well as 5, 6 and 7. Book Club will start Monday 8th May (as next week is a bank holiday) at the start of lunchtime. Please bring your lunch with you. Those attending should bring their own reading for pleasure book.  Hope to see you there!

Miss Grant

Week beginning 24.04.17

P2H enjoyed their first Rookie Rockstars session today and we are looking forward to learning new songs tomorrow. We were also treated to a dance performance during our Show and Tell time. Well done to the girls who have completed their dance exams and are now practising for their show.

We have our usual homework tasks to complete this week. Our new spelling sound is ‘ay’ and we did a lot of work on this last week. As some of the children don’t have a spelling grid at the back of their new jotter, I will issue another copy of these tomorrow morning.

I hope you all have a great week.

Miss Hamilton

P5S – Meet our Titanic Families

Image result for titanic

Last week we started our Titanic topic with our Home Team Challenge. With your new group you had to create a banner and include information you researched relating to family life during the early 20th century. You were given a list of names of families who were on board the Titanic during it’s maiden voyage and had to choose one for your group name. We had some very interesting choices made.

Meet our new term 4 groups.

The Franklin Family

The Webber Family

The Silven Family

The Evans Family

The Appleton Family

The Goodman Family

P4M w/b 24.4.17

Hi! We have an exciting few weeks ahead of us with Rookie Rockstars visiting.  We are looking forward to our first rehearsal this afternooon.

Here is your homework for the week.


Reading – Please read and discuss your Big Cat book for next Monday. I have issued a poly pocket to each child to help and keep the books in good condition.

Spelling –

Red – soft g









Green – soft g










Blue – ear









Maths – please complete the multiplication sheet provided.

Please ask if you are unsure of anything.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend when it comes.

Mrs McKay


P7 Punctuation & Grammar – Homework 1

Please complete the exercise in you Spelling Homework jotter for Friday 5th May. Remember to write a title, date and complete each question fully by reading the question.

  1. Match each word to the correct suffix to make an adjective.

2. Copy and complete the sentence below by writing the conjunctions from the box in the correct places. Use each conjunction only once.

You may bring sandwiches ______________  juice______________ water for the trip,______________ glass bottles are not allowed.

3. Copy the sentence below and then circle the object in the sentence below.

My friend bought a cake from the bakery.

4. Copy and complete each sentence by choosing the correct determiner. Use each determiner only once.

5. Copy and complete each sentence  by using the correct punctuation.

a) What we ate for dinner was very unusual

b) Can you guess what we ate for dinner

c) Ask me what we ate for dinner

d) I will tell you what we ate for dinner

6. Which sentence uses the colon correctly? Copy the correct sentence in your jotter.

I bought several beach toys a bucket: a spade a ball and a kite.

I bought several beach toys a: bucket, a spade, a ball and a kite.

I bought several beach toys: a bucket, a spade, a ball and a kite.

I bought several: beach toys, a bucket, a spade, a ball and a kite.

7. Complete the sentence with an appropriate adverb.

She completed her homework _____________________.

8. Copy and complete the sentence below by adding inverted commas.

Roman life was unlike modern life, the archaeologist said.

9. Insert one comma in the correct place in the sentence below.

Limping slightly the old man walked to the end of the road.

10. Copy and complete the sentence but change the underlined word or words in each sentence with the correct pronoun.

a) When Sara came to the end of the road, Sara turned right.

b) The pavement had a large hole and Sara fell into the hole

11.Copy the sentence that uses the hyphen correctly?

The sugar-free lollies are available in three flavours.

The sugar-free-lollies are available in three flavours.

The sugar-free lollies are available in three-flavours.

The sugar free-lollies are available in three flavours.

12. Copy and correct the sentences below so they are written in  Standard English.

a) I went to the library and done my homework.

b) They seen their friends at the cinema.

c) I been to the circus with my aunt and uncle.

13. a) What is the name of the punctuation marks on either side of the words which was a spaniel in the sentence below?

Jay’s dog (which was a spaniel) loved to play with its squeaky bone.

b) What is the name of a different punctuation mark that could be used correctly in the same places?

14. Replace the underlined words in the sentences below with their expanded forms instead of the contractions.

a) We’re going into town later, so I’ll buy some bread then.

b) We won’t be back late.

  1. You are helping a friend to correct the punctuation in the box below. Which two pieces of advice should you give to correct the punctuation?

“Surprise” shouted the children!

16. Copy and complete the sentence below by adding capital letters.

the athlete won four gold medals at the olympic games in london

17. Choose the word in the passage below that contains an apostrophe for possession.

It’s five o’clock. Let’s leave early and we’ll be able to go to Emma’s house first.

18. Copy and circle all the prepositions in the sentence below.

He walked through the doorway and sat behind the desk.

19. a) Insert a comma in the sentence below to make it clear that only Sally and Bob went to the cinema.

After they left Jon Sally and Bob went to the cinema.

b) Insert commas in the sentence below to make it clear that all three children went to the cinema.

After they left Jon Sally and Bob went to the cinema.

20. Explain how the different prefixes change the meanings of the two sentences below.

a) The chef said the pasta was uncooked.

b) The chef said the pasta was undercooked.


P3/2 wk beg 24/04/17

I hope you all had a great Easter holidays.  We have had a great first week back and have welcomed 2 new members into our class.  Thank you to all of the children for helping them settle in so well.

Homework and news as follows:

P2 Homework

Spelling sound this week is wh as in whale and when.

Reading books continue with our core readers.  Please try to read a little each night.  Please discuss the author and illustrator and the main events of the story.

Maths homework will be an activity from our new Maths homework grid. (to be given out on Wednesday)

We will be going over our target booklets this week and next week and setting new targets for the children.

Primary 3 Homework

Spelling sound will be words with ay sound – ai as in rain, brain.  ay as in stay and pay and a_e as in spade and made.

Reading books continue with our core readers.  Please try to read a little each night.  Please discuss the author and illustrator and the main events of the story.  PLease also discuss their favourite part of the story and whether they would recommend the book.

Maths homework will be looking at time.

Other news

On Monday we will have the Rookie rockstars practise starting.  We are looking forward to learning some new songs.  We will practise Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then they will be recording the school cd on Thursday.

We have started out new topic which is looking at animals and habitats.  We will be having a visitor from the RSPB to come and speak to us very soon.

Any outstanding library books to be returned as soon as possible please.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton



P5H Homework and Reminders – W/B 24.4.17

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you all enjoyed your first week back and have had a lovely weekend. Please continue reading for your homework and reminders.

Spelling: Please complete lists gh, ph  or el, il, ey  in your spelling homework jotter for Thursday. Please write out your spelling words 3 times using SaCaWaC in the same way as we do in class. Remember that part of this process is to check and correct your spelling words, too many of you handed in wrongly spelt words on Thursday. You should then choose 6 spelling words you think you can write the best sentences for, and write an up levelled sentence for each of them. This week we are again focusing on using amazing connectives in each sentence. Here are some examples for you to choose from: so, if, while, even though, because, however and unless . Please include one in each of your sentences. Remember this does not mean you forget about using ambitious vocabulary too. We are trying to use both of these to make your sentences the best they can be.

Reading: As I posted last week you will be issued your new core readers later this week and I will explain your homework once they have been issued.

Personal Reading Challenge: We have now re-started our Personal Reading Challenge. You have 9 weeks left to reach the target you set last week. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during ERIC time. Keep recording the books you have read in your Reading Passports so you can see how close you are getting to your target.

Maths:  Your homework can be found using the links below. This should be completed in your maths homework jotter and handed in on Thursday.

Group 1

Group 2

As discussed in class our Table Challenge will continue this term. Please continue to practise your tables with someone at home or by accessing the links provided below.

Multiplication Trainer        Division Trainer


Here are your reminders for this week:

  1. P.E. will be on Thursday this week. Please ensure you have a full kit with you in school. We might have a second P.E. session outside (depending on the weather) therefore please remember to bring suitable clothing with you i.e. a jumper and/or a waterproof jacket. Please also make sure you have a bottle of water with you.
  2. If you have not already done so please remember to return your forms for tickets to our Rookie Rockstars shows on Tuesday 2nd May (Eagles and Ospreys) and Wednesday 3rd May (Hawks and Falcons).
  3. P5S will continue to hold their Fairtrade Tuck-shop every Wednesday. If you are wanting to buy something, please remember to bring the exact money to school if possible. You can find the item prices here.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs. Hughes.

P5S – Homework w/b 24.4.17

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good afternoon everyone! Another new week is ahead of us. Time really is flying by. Please keep reading for a note of this week’s homework and reminders.

Spelling: Units 4 and 33 should be completed for Friday. As always, each word should be written out three times and an uplevelled sentence should be written for each spelling rule word. Please remember to consider your VCOP in each sentence.

This week I would like you to focus on using  ambitious vocabulary in each sentence.  Try to think of ambitious vocabulary that will compliment your spelling words. You should try and use these alongside your ambitious openers and connectives. We are trying to use all of these together to make your sentences the best they can be.

Reading:  Your new core reader was issued last Thursday.  Once again, there will be no written homework as we will continue to complete our comprehension tasks for the core readers in class. As always, if there is any vocabulary you are unsure of, please take a note of it and we will discuss it in class on Thursday. Please remember to read aloud to someone at home and try to use expression where needed. Your reading feedback form should be completed (if possible) by the person hearing you read aloud. This task should be completed for Thursday.

Personal Reading Challenge: Our Personal Reading Challenge has began again. You have 9 weeks to reach the target you set last week. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class. Remember this is your record of the number of books you have read so far this term.

Maths: WOW! Your maths homework last week was completed fantastically well by so many of you. You have really set the bar high for this term. Keep it up P5!

Please access the relevant link below for your Maths homework. This should be completed in your homework jotter for Friday.

Group 1

Group 2

If you wish additional practice of your multiplication tables, please use the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

  1. P.E. is on Friday . Please ensure you have a full kit with you in school. We may be having an impromptu P.E. session outside (the day has still to be decided) therefore you should have suitable outdoor clothing with you: a jumper or waterproof jacket.
  2. Our next library visit is on Tuesday. We require two parent helpers.  Please click here for further details.
  3. Please remember to return your ticket request forms for our Rookie Rockstars show which will take place on Tuesday 2nd May (Eagles and Ospreys) and Wednesday 3rd May (Hawks and Falcons).
  4. Our Fairtrade Tuckshop is on every Wednesday. Please remember to check our rota to see if you are in charge of the tuckshop this week. If you wish to buy something, please remember to bring the exact money to school. Details of prices can be found here.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

P5S – Group 2 Maths Homework w/b 24.4.17

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

  1. Emma started her homework at 5.35pm. If it took her 35 minutes to complete, what time did Emma finish her homework?
  1. At the beginning of the Easter break Alex had £19.45 saved up. During the holidays he helped out in the house doing chores and now has £67.80. How much money did Alex earn doing chores?
  1. Term 4 is 10 weeks and one day in length. How many days are in term 4?
  1. It is 9 miles from Mrs O’Neill’s house to Bishopton Primary School. How many miles does Mrs O’Neill travel to school and back each week?
  1. 8 of the children in our class are 10 years old. The other 17 are 9. What is the combined age of all of the children in our class?
  1. Challenge Question Cameron S was cycling in a race at the weekend.  He had  completed a third of the course when he got a puncture. If the total distance of the race was 36km, how far did Cameron manage to cycle? How far did Cameron have to carry his bike for to reach the finishing line?

P5S – Group 1 Maths Homework w/b 24.4.17

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

  1. Emma started her homework at 5.35pm. If it took her 37 minutes to complete, what time did Emma finish her homework?
  1. At the beginning of the Easter break Alex had £19.45 saved up. During the holidays he helped out in the house doing chores and now has £67.80. How much money did Alex earn doing chores?
  1. Term 4 is 10 weeks and one day in length. How many days are in term 4?
  1. It is 8.9 miles from Mrs O’Neill’s house to Bishopton Primary School. How many miles does Mrs O’Neill travel to school and back each week?
  1. 8 of the children in our class are 10 years old. The other 17 are 9. What is the combined age of all of the children in our class?
  1. Challenge Question Cameron S was cycling in a race at the weekend.  He had  completed two thirds of the course when he got a puncture. If the total distance of the race was 36km, how far did Cameron manage to cycle?  How far did Cameron have to carry his bike for to reach the finishing line?

P7M Homework – Monday 24th April

Complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible. Ask your parent/carer to write a note if you are unable to  attempt any task. As always, if you require a  paper copy of any of the homework tasks, just ask. Thank you, Miss McDowall.


  • Punctuation & Grammar task – Complete the task in you Spelling Homework jotter for Friday 5th May. Click here to access the task.
  • Reading – please read and finish your book for:
    • Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and Blue groups – Monday 1st May
    • Purple – Monday 8th May



  • Rookie Rockstars at Ingliston Country Club: Tuesday 2nd May for all Eagles and Ospreys and Wednesday 3rd May for all Falcons and Hawks. Performers should be in the main arena for no later than 6.15pm. The shows start at 6.30pm.
  • Feel free to practise for the Literacy and Numeracy tests on Monday 22nd May by using the links on the Revision Blog post
  • We are looking for on adult helper to accompany us the library on Tuesday 9th May from 11.15-12pm. If you are able to help out, please post a comment on the blog or write a note in your child’s diary. Thank you in advance.

P7M Maths Homework – Money, Money, Money!

Our new Maths topic is Money. For this week’s homework task, you will need to research how much everyday items cost. You can use websites, supermarket flyers, research in the shops or the best source of information…the adults at home!

Find the average cost of the items below to make you think about how you might spend your money. You can buy any brand (or non-brand) you want and you can record the cost of the item and where you bought it from. You might also want to record if any of the items are on sale or in an offer .e.g. B.O.G.O.F. Once you have your individual prices, add them altogether to get a total. Record the information in your Maths Homework jotter for Friday 28th April.

  • first class stamp
  • loaf of bread
  • box of 120 tea bags
  • TV licence
  • six months car tax (any make/model)
  • 1kg bag of potatoes
  • tin of beans
  • box of corn flakes
  • one month’s subscription for Sky TV (you choose the packages)
  • one months’ rent for a one bedroom flat in Glasgow
  • four pints of milk
  • a bottle of washing up liquid (350-500ml)
  • a daily newspaper
  • tin of dog food
  • bottle of shampoo
  • one litre of unleaded petrol
  • bottle of Calpol
  • choose another four everyday items that your family uses regularly  and record the cost.