Welcome to P3/2,
This year our teacher is Mrs Fulton.
Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday.
Please remember to pack both indoor and outdoor shoes for PE, as we will go outside weather permitting.
Our outdoor learning day is Thursday so please come prepared to go outside in differing weather conditions.
Our homework will be put into red folders on a Monday. This will include reading, spelling and maths.
Your child’s school diary includes a number of pages to support homework activities.
The Help and Support section of our web site also provides resources to help homework activities.
Please join our Class Dojo to keep up to date with class news, photos and more! You can use Dojo to view the points your child has been given and to view our class Dojo story and examples of your child’s work. In order to join, please ask the teacher for your access code.
You can request access here.
This term from January to March we plan to cover the following:
Numeracy – We will be working on multiplication and division as well as 2D and 3D shape. As we progress, we will be focusing on fractions and expressions and equations.
Literacy – Our new Talk for Writing unit is The Three Bears. Our literacy learning will be planned around this, including grammar. We will continue to focus on a reading skill weekly as well as introduce a new sound or spelling pattern.
Health and Wellbeing – This term in P.E. we will be learning Scottish Country Dances as well taking part in gymnastics.
We will be learning about food and how it can keep us healthy, as well as continuing to practice our mindfulness.
Other Curricular Areas –
From January to mid-February the class have chosen to learn lots of different things about Scotland! We will be looking at food, landscapes, history and more!
We will also be taking part in music lessons as well as using our construction kits.
From mid-February to March we will be learning about Forces and Digital Literacy. We will continue with our French and we will introduce Easter and the new life it brings in RME.