Primary 4

This year our teacher is Mr Grant.

Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please remember to pack both indoor and outdoor shoes for PE, as we will go outside weather permitting.

Our outdoor learning day is Thursday so please come prepared to go outside in differing weather conditions.

Our homework routine is: homework and reading pages will be posted on Dojo on a Monday morning and expected to be returned by Friday. Homework will be assessed and returned within the week on Dojo. One literacy and one numeracy task will be assigned.

Your child’s school diary includes a number of pages to support homework activities.

The Help and Support section of our web site also provides resources to help homework activities.

Class Dojo

To see more information and learning in our class please click the link here

This term from  January to March we plan to cover the following :

Numeracy –    Multiplication & Division, 2D/3D shape, Area, Angles and Symmetry, Expressions & Equations and Money.

Literacy – Talk 4 Writing- Suspense story, Christmas Holiday recount, Explanation text in non-fiction. We will be continuing with Accelerated reading and guided reading programmes throughout the term.

Health and Wellbeing –  This term in P.E. we will be learning Scottish Country Dances as well taking part in gymnastics and basketball lessons.

Other Curricular Areas

From January to mid-February the class have chosen to learn about Scottish Geography (land, water and landmarks) and will be presenting these at our Scots assembly.

From mid-February to March we will be learning about the Human Body in Science, Cyber Resilience in Technologies and Easter: Worldwide in RME.

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