Hello, welcome to Primary 2/1’s class web page.
This year our teachers are
Mrs Russell (Monday/Tuesday)
Mr Martindale (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)
Our P.E. days are Monday and Thursday. Please ensure that children have indoor shoes, gym clothes and that all jewellery is removed.
Please join our class dojo to keep up to date with class news, photos and more! You can use dojo to view the points your child has been given and to view our class dojo stories. We post regularly throughout the week. Please click here for the link to our Story page.
Reading books will come home on Mondays. Please help your child with these. Please continue to revise all phonics in the Sounds Folder (P1) and to work on the maths wall at your own pace.
Please ensure that all items that your child brings to school are clearly marked with their name. This is very helpful if items get misplaced!
We will continue to explore numbers up to 100 and beyond. This will include addition and subtraction. A class shop will help us to recognise and use coins to £2. We will also be looking at making certain amounts of money and writing using £ and p signs.
We will be revising all the sounds which have been introduced so far and reading and writing words by sounding out and blending. Common tricky words will be introduced. We will continue to enjoy a class story each day and discuss our Likes and Dislikes, Puzzles and Connections. We will continue to explore rhymes and rhyming words. We will learn some Scottish words and a Scots poem which we will recite at our Scots Verse Assembly.
Lots of listening and talking skills will be developed during the activities above.
We will be continuing with Talk for Writing and learning The Little Red Hen and some non-fiction writing. We will continue writing during play and by ‘having a go’ when writing stories.
P2 will continue with their Talk for writing learning using The Very Hungry Caterpillar as the basis for introducing non- fiction.
Health & Wellbeing
We will continue with our PATHS programme, exploring our feelings and complementing our friends. We will be discussing healthy eating and making good choices about what we eat and drink.
Broad General Education
We will be learning all about Scotland. The children will decide what they would like to find out about and how best to do this. There will be a whole school Scots Assembly for which we will learn a Scots verse. We will also learn some Scottish dances and taste some traditional food.