Tag Archives: Team Whitelees

Time for Tea!!!

It was Time for Tea again today at Whitelees!

Mrs Hunter was hosting her monthly Tea Party for twelve pupils to celebrate their hard work over the course of the month of February.

Well done to everyone who managed to secure a ticket for the draw in February!

Our next tea party will hopefully be in March.

Keep working hard boys and girls, it could be your turn next!!!

 “It was fabulous!”


Rag Bag Textile Recycling Scheme

rag bag

Recycle old, unwanted clothes.

Our Waste Council are gathering up old clothes for our annual Rag Bag collection.

We will be distributing empty bags tomorrow and would ask that filled bags are returned on a Friday during the month of March!

We can only accept wearable clothing, paired shoes, handbags and belts.

For a full  list of what we can/cannot accept please visit the website at www.rag-bag.co.uk

Once again your co-operation is appreciated

Cumbernauld & District Annual Burns Competition

Massive congratulations to our finalists in the Cumbernauld & District Annual Burns Competition.

Pupils from Primary 6 lifted two first prizes and a third prize in the Essay and Senior Artwork competition.

Adam won first prize for his essay entitled “The Walking Nightmare”

Carli won third prize for her essay entitled “The Monster Awakes”

Molly won first prize for her artwork, a fabulous picture of Prince Charles Edward Stuart!

Well done everyone, an amazing achievement!


Email Alerts!


You can now sign up online to receive email alerts from Whitelees Primary School!

As we are an eco school we’re keen to ensure we are being environmentally friendly and hope to issue all correspondence via email in the future.  

You can sign up at


Click on the picture above to subscribe!

Look out for the email alerts pop up box or the “sign up for email alerts” link.  Choose to sign up to Whitelees and you’re all set to start receiving alerts once this is in place.

If you have already chosen to sign up via the school enquiries email we have already subscribed you.

We will keep you informed when this goes live!

As always your support is greatly appreciated and we hope that you will help us to maintain our Eco School status.

Don’t forget you can catch up with all that’s going on in Whitelees by signing up to our Twitter account too – WhiteleesPS