Tag Archives: Team Whitelees

Welcome to our Victorian School!

To round off their topic “The Victorians” Primary 2/3 and Primary 3 had a Victorian school day yesterday.

It was a very authentic day with two pretty strict Victorian Teachers!

The children were treated to  Victorian style lessons, class layout and materials!

We think they all enjoyed being a Victorian child for the day but think they’re glad to be modern day children again!

Thank you for your support with this once again!


Our Power Off and Learn Outdoors Days were a HUGE success!

Thankfully the weather was kind to us and the rain clouds stayed away!

The children were outdoors all day participating in various activities such as freestyle cycling and scootering, using natural materials to decorate Easter eggs, making natural potions using nature’s garden, using their senses to write poems, taking part in a scavenger hunt and an obstacle course to name but a few!

The children loved learning outdoors and we hope they all slept soundly after their day in the fresh air!

Rag Bag Appeal!

rag bag

Thank you to everyone who cleared out cupboards and drawers.  We have collected 34 bags of clothes.  Hopefully this will give the school some much needed funds.

Please continue to recycle old and unwanted clothes.  Can we ask that you place your tied bags in the large recycling bin in the school car park?

Thank you for your continued support