Tag Archives: Team Whitelees



A message from the Parent Council

The card company have made a few errors with our order which has resulted in some extra products being delivered to our school.  If your child comes home with extra products please enjoy them with our compliments, you will NOT be charged for these!

If your child brings homecards with name errors on them the card company have been informed and corrected orders have already been posted.  These will be distributed as soon as we receive them.

If you have any other problems with your order please contact us.

Please accept our apologies for the errors but unfortunately these were outwith our control.


We had a very busy assembly this week!

There were two “It’s Good To Be Me” pupils.  Roxy brought her trophy to show us for super work at Musical Theatre and Jade brought her Street Dance trophy in to show everyone!  Well done Roxy and Jade!

We had our weekly class Dojo winners!  Well done to everybody who received a certificate this week!

Our weekly Birthdays picked their Birthday cards from the Birthday box.  What special vouchers did they find inside?

Two members of the Parent Council came to present a trophy to the winning Enterprise class!  The class who made the most profit at the Christmas Fayre was P4/5 for their sparkly baubles.  Well done P4/5, winner for a second year running!

We also had to say a sad farewell to our Primary 6 Teacher Mrs Wightman who is leaving to take up a new post as Principal Teacher with Glasgow City Council.  Good luck in your new job Mrs Wightman!



High School

The time has come for our primary 7 transition visits which start tomorrow.  All primary 7 children will leave the school at 9.15am to go to Cumbernauld Academy.  They will be there until lunchtime so should bring a snack and a drink.  All children should bring their PE kit as they will receive their timetable when they arrive and may have PE.  Children will arrive back at Whitelees at approximately 12.30pm and will have an extended lunch.  ALL primary 7 children will be attending the Cumbernauld Academy transition visits.  This will be the case for Thursday 8th, 15th and 22nd December.

We hope they all enjoy their transition visits!



Our Christmas Nativity is next week with our Primary 1 – Primary 3’s performing “The Wriggly Nativity” and Primary 4 – Primary 7 performing a selection of Christmas themed songs!

Tickets have been on sale now for the last 2 weeks with the remainder going on sale at the office tomorrow from 9.30am.   We have shows on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening.

Don’t miss your chance to see our budding stars on the stage next week, come along tomorrow and get your tickets!



It has been a busy few weeks here at Whitelees and it continues to be in the run up to the Christmas holiday.

Our Christmas show is next week and we would be grateful for any raffle prizes you could donate.  If you could hand any prizes into our office or send them into school with your children we would be extremely grateful.

Once again we thank you for your continued support.



Our Waste Council are again collecting used stamps this December for the RNIB (Royal National Institute for the Blind).  The used stamps are sold to raise money for the condition Macular Degeneration which affects the eyesight of many elderly people.

We would be grateful for your donations of used stamps.  Please send them into school with your child.



Check out this week’s winners!

We had 3 “It’s Good To Be Me” pupils.  Baighley and Daniel brought in their medals from the Taekwondo Scottish Championships and Mackenzie brought in her dancing trophy!  Well done to you all, great achievements!

We have our Successful Learners and weekly class Dojo winners and of course our Birthdays!

Well done to all our winners and Happy Birthday to our Birthdays of the week!



Show week is nearly upon us and rehearsals are in full swing!  Tickets are selling well, thank you for your continued support.

We have a few changes to our daily routine for show week as follows:

Monday/Tuesday – break will be 10.00am – 10.15am and lunch will be 11.45am – 12.30pm to allow a half hour turnaround for the start of the show at 1.00pm.

Thursday – our daily routine will remain the same.  Children should return to school for 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start, no uniform required.