Tag Archives: Team Whitelees
Check out our winners from assembly this week!
Maya brought her dancing grading in to show us all! Well done Maya!
Well done also to our Weekly Class Dojo Winners and our Confident Individuals!
Happy birthday to all our pupils who had Birthdays from 1st January until today! We hope you all had fun!
As we are due to experience some adverse weather over the next couple of days I thought it would be appropriate to reiterate some advice distributed in November. You can keep up to date on the Council’s Facebook page “nlcwinter” and we will be keeping you up to date on our own Twitter page WhiteleesPS and website www.whitelees.n-lanark.sch.uk. During periods of prolonged bad weather the North Lanarkshire website www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk will be updated daily at 7.00am
The school will only be closed in exceptional circumstances taking into account pupil safety, in which case you will find the details on our Twitter page, our website or the North Lanarkshire website. If the decision is made to close the school after the start of the school day our office staff will contact all parents via email or text. It is therefore vital that the school is kept updated with any change of emergency contact numbers over the Winter season and that you are registered for our new Groupcall Xpressions system.
If pathways in the school are particularly icy or snow covered one main pathway through the school will be cleared/gritted. Please ensure children are dressed appropriately for the weather as they will be outside for break and lunch unless the weather is particularly bad or the playground is icy or exceptionally snow covered. Children will only be admitted to the school building before 9.00am if there are sufficient staff in the building to supervise them.
Thank you for your continued support.
The enrolment of new entrants for August 2017 will take place in Whitelees Primary School
Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th, Wednesday 18th, Thursday 19th and Friday 20th January 2017
For children who attain the age of 5 years between 1st March 2017 and 28th February 2018
Please bring along your child’s birth certificate and your Council Tax bill as proof of address.
We look forward to welcoming you to Whitelees Primary School.
Today Fred the Elf set our pupils a challenge! He sent them on an Elf Hunt around Whitelees!! Those pesky elves were hiding everywhere, they were on the Polar Express, in the fruit bowl and hiding in classrooms!!!
Everyone had fun searching out the elves and they all did a great job but there was one clear winner who managed to locate ALL 12 elves!!!
Way to go Primary 1a!!!
Well done to everyone who took part!!!
Don’t forget Christmas Jumper day tomorrow! Children can come in a Christmas jumper, something Christmassy or their own clothes! There will be no charge for this.
School finishes at 2.30pm on Friday 23rd December for the Christmas break.
We hope you all have a fun filled Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The enrolment of new entrants for August 2017 will take place in Whitelees Primary School
Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th, Wednesday 18th,
Thursday 19th and Friday 20th January 2017
For children who attain the age of 5 years between 1st March 2017 and 28th February 2018
Parents concerned should contact their local school to confirm arrangements for registration.
Birth certificates and proof of address must be produced at the enrolment.
It’s Christmas Party week here at Whitelees!
Monday – P2 and P3
Tuesday – P1
*Wednesday – P6 and P7
*Thursday – P4 and P5
*Please note the change to these dates
Parties will be held in the afternoon. Lunch will be at the normal time however, if you wish to take your child home for lunch in order to change them into their party clothes they can be collected from the office at 12.00pm by an adult. Children making their own way home for lunch will be dismissed at the normal time of 12.15pm. Children remaining in school can bring their party clothes with them to change during lunchtime.
We hope they all have some festive fun!
Just a reminder that Friday is a non uniform day, children can come dressed in something Christmassy or their own clothes. There will be no charge.
School finishes at 2.30pm on Friday 23rd December for the Christmas break.
Check out this week’s winners and It’s Good To Be Me” pupils!
It appears we have lots of talented children in Whitelees!
Sarah took part in the Santa Dash!
Ellie-Mae, Freya and Maddison are fabulous disco and ballet dancers!
Kyle and James brought their football trophies in to show everyone!
James showed off his certificate for good language work!
Oliver brought in his Elf Award!
Jack brought in his new Taekwondo belt!
Hannah won a Cheerleading trophy!
Wow what a talented bunch!
We also had our weekly class Dojo winners, Effective Contributors and our Birthdays until the end of 2016!
Congratulations to all our talented “It’s Good To Be Me” pupils, certificate winners and those celebrating Birthdays before the end of December!