Tag Archives: Team Whitelees


Thank you to everyone who donated to our Lepra Fundraiser today!

The children all had a ball learning and performing their dance!

We don’t have a final total as yet but I believe we raised an outstanding amount!  We will find out next week what we raised and we will, of course, let you know once we do!

Thank you once again for your continued support.



Welcome back to school, we hope you all had a lovely break!

Just a reminder that we will start to use our new alert system Groupcall this week.  You can download the free app to your mobile phone/tablet.  Just search for “Groupcall Xpressions” in your app store.  All we need is your up to date email address and mobile number and you’re ready to go!

No more letters going astray, being left in trays or falling out of school bags!



The Parent Council disco will be held on Thursday 16th February 2017.

Primary 1-3 disco is 6.30pm-7.30pm

Primary 4-7 is 7.45pm-9.00pm.

The cost of the disco will be £2 per child payable at the door on the night only and this will include a snack and a drink. There will be glow sticks and photos at the photo-booth to purchase on the night so children can bring a bit of extra money if they wish. We would love as many parent helpers as possible to come along and support this event. If you are able to help please let us know by dropping us an email at whiteleespc@gmail.com.

Entry and exit for all children will be through both the infant doors. Children must be collected by an adult.


Here are our winners from this week’s assembly.  Congratulations to our weekly class Dojo winners and our Responsible Citizens! 

Michaela brought in her dance trophy to show us and Hannah also brought her 1st place dance trophy!  Well done dancing girls!!

Happy Birthday to all those who had a Birthday between 21st and 27th January.  We hope you all had a nice surprise in your Birthday card!