Mrs Vass and Mrs Patrick, ably assisted by pupils, cooking up a storm in the kitchen in the School Food Showdown! Who will win, the green peas or the red chilli’s?
Health Week continues today with lots of fun activities! Children were involved in football, handball, an obstacle course, leaf and mud art, making mini gardens, mini workouts and relaxation to name but a few!
What a great start to Health Week here at Whitelees! Today all classes participated in “Save A Life Scotland” which had every child involved in learning how to give CPR. Ask your child what vital skills they learned today!
A huge thank you to all the Doctors and Nurses who gave up their time to come and teach our children vital life saving skills and to all members of the Parent Council who also volunteered to come along and offer their support. I’m sure you will agree it was a fantastic and invaluable learning opportunity for all our children!
A reminder that we finish on Friday for the Easter holidays. The school closes early at 2.30pm on Friday 31st March and re-opens at 9.00am on Tuesday 18th April.