The winners of our exclusive “Be Our Guest” tickets will be drawn on Friday. We have 20 tickets for each performance! If you are a lucky winner you will be informed by our office staff and you will be invited to exchange one of your purchased tickets for a special “Be Our Guest” one!
We had some special visitors to our weekly assembly today. Pupils from Cumbernauld Academy came along to showcase their Summer Show Oliver! They were fantastic!
We had an amazing “It’s Good To Be Me!” pupil this week. Maya brought in her five……yes five Irish dancing trophies to show us. Well done Maya!
Kenzie, Tyler and John showed off their IDL certificates, well done boys you have been working very hard!
James, Adam and Kerr were commended for alerting the police to a fire whilst they were out beating the street. Well done boys, wonderful community spirit!
Niamh and Alesha were commended on their fundraising. They made and sold loom bands and gave all their profits to our Go Yellow day for Strathcarron Hospice. They raised an incredible £17.20, well done girls!
Thank you to everyone who embraced our Go Yellow Day, it was lovely to see a sea of yellow at assembly this morning!
Mrs Hunter hosted her monthly Tea Party today. As it was the last Tea Party of the school year it was extra special! Everyone had a great time and enjoyed some lovely goodies! Well done to everyone who received an invitation!
Just a reminder that the car park is for staff use only and should not be used as a drop off/pick up point for Breakfast Club or at the beginning or end of the school day. This request is made with our pupils’ safety at the core and not to inconvenience you in any way.
On Friday 2nd June, Whitelees Primary School will be going yellow to support our business partners Strathcarron Hospice – “Go YellowDay”. We would ask that everyone either wears or brings something yellow to school on that day. We will also be collecting a £1 donation for the charity from all those who wish to participate. The work of Strathcarron Hospice is extremely important and we thank you in advance for your support in helping us fundraise for our business partners.
We were disappointed that the we had to cancel our Dig In Day due to the good old Scottish weather! Apologies to everyone who had intended coming along! If you can spare us an hour or two during or after the school day please keep an eye on the weather and pop into our office when you are free and we will be happy to show you what you can do to help. Thank you in advance for your continued support.
As our school show is next month we would kindly ask if you would like to donate anything for our raffle. All prizes will be gratefully received by our office.
Well done to our weekly Class Dojo winners and Successful Learners!
We had a few “It’s Good To Be Me!” pupils this week! Lewis brought in his awards from Boys Brigade. Enya brought in her Taekwondo medal and Conor brought in his achievement certificates for XDL! Well done everyone!
Happy Birthday to all those who had a birthday in the last week too! We hope you all had a fantastic Birthday!