Tag Archives: Team Whitelees


We still have tickets left for our Rookie Rockstars performance on Thursday 7th September at 6.30pm and will be sold on a first come first served basis.

All children are involved in this performance and should come dressed in their own clothes.  They can get into the spirit of the performance and dress up as rockstars if they wish!  Children should return to school at 6.00pm, staff will not be available before this time.  Children should enter the building through the main door at reception.

Please refrain from using the car park as this is required for the staff coming along to ensure the smooth running of this event.

We look forward to seeing you all there.


Check out our winners at this week’s assembly.

We had our weekly Class Dojo winners and Responsible Citizens, well done everyone!

We had 3 birthdays to celebrate this week.  Happy Birthday to you!

We also had 3 It’s Good To Be Me pupils this week.

Emma had her hair cut and donated to the Princess Trust, well done Emma, what a wonderful gesture!

Darby won a silver medal at her Swimming Club and Enya won best at training for Tae Kwon Do.

Well done to all 3 girls!