Mrs Hunter hosted her first monthly tea party of the school year for pupils who have worked hard and some who were lucky enough to receive an invitation in their Birthday card!
It certainly looks like everyone enjoyed their special treat!
Just a gentle reminder about the payment for the Whole School Pantomime.
As you know the children will be going to see Jack and the Beanstalk on Friday 1st December 2017. The cost is £10 per child. This can be paid online using ipayimpact or sent into the office along with the permission slip. Please note that children will be unable to attend without the permission slip.
We announced our new Head Boy and Head Girl and their Deputes!
Congratulations to Declan and Tegan who were voted Head Boy and Head Girl and to Emma and Joshua who are Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl!
Well done to everyone who received a weekly Class Dojo certificate and to all our Confident Individuals and Happy Birthday to everyone who had a birthday in the last week!
Some of the children from Primary 1 brought the comfy chairs they had made for Percy to assembly to show everyone. They look fantastic. I’m sure Percy would love them!
Today was a slightly different assembly. We had our Effective Contributors and weekly Class Dojo Winners! Well done everyone who received a certificate.
Jack, Sophia and Caleb said “It’s Good To Be Me!” with their trophies. Jack won Football Player of the Week, Sophia won Dancer of the Week and Caleb won a trophy and medal at his football tournament! Well done boys and girls!
Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday between 2nd and 8th September!
Our primary 7 Head Boy and Head Girl candidates also made their speeches to the whole school. The vote will take place next week. Keep an eye on our website for the winners!