Tag Archives: Team Whitelees
What a great assembly today, the hall was a sea of yellow, thank you for supporting our Fairtrade Fortnight!
What a lot of success we had to celebrate today!
Congratulations to our weekly Class Dojo winners and Successful Learners, we are very proud of you all!
Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday in the last two weeks!
We received a lovely thank you card from the British Heart Foundation for our donation. Thank you to everyone who bought a heart!
Well done to Matthew who showcased his drumming skills!
Well done also to our Book Mark Challenge winners! Fabulous designs!
Congratulations to all our dress a banana class winners, I’m sure you’ll agree we had lots of imaginative designs! Well done to Karly who was our overall winner of the dress a banana competition with her banana splits and won a chocolate banana for each member of her class, yummy!
Further to the weather disruption last week we have re-arranged some important dates.
Parents Night has been arranged for Thursday 15th March for all classes apart from P1a. Due to a prior commitment Miss Cliff will be unavailable on this night and will contact all parents directly through the Dojo system to arrange a suitable appointment. All appointment times will remain the same for all other classes. If you are unable to make the original time please contact our office team directly who will try their best to offer an alternative. If this is not possible on the night the Class Teacher will contact you to re-arrange. You will, of course, be welcome to come along on the night and view your child’s jotters. Please accept our apologies for any problems these arrangements may cause. We will try our best to accommodate everyone.
Our Parent Council meeting has also been rescheduled for Thursday 15th March at 7.00pm and the first 30 minutes will be dedicated to our Parent Focus Group. If you are able to join us to share your thoughts you would be most welcome.
World Book day has been re-arranged for Thursday 8th March. As before children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character on this day.
We have been extremely lucky to be able to secure our Book Fair this week which will run from Wednesday 7th March until Monday 12th March. A new timetable will be sent out shortly.
The Scotia Books Reading Challenge has now been completed and we would request that all sponsor forms and money are returned to the school please.
Many thanks again for your patience and understanding.
After school clubs are running as normal this week. IDL on Monday and Wednesday and Multisports on Thursday. Please note Mrs Murdoch will be taking Multisports on Thursday so there will be no charge.
Our Fairtrade tuck shop is also running as normal this week.
Look out for revised dates for events which were due to take place last week before the end of the day today.
Once again thank you for your patience and understanding.
NLC expect all schools and nurseries to be open as normal tomorrow. It might be a good idea to have spare socks/tights in bags in case feet get wet on the way to school. Please take care on the way as pavements may be difficult to walk on. Take your time please!
Please keep your eye on the North Lanarkshire Council website for any further updates:
and on twitter, @nlc winter from 7.00am tomorrow.
School lunches will be provided although there may be some changes to the menu.
We will update as soon as we can with the rescheduled dates
for events programmed to take place last week.
A HUGE thank you to our Janitor Mr McKelvie and the local community who have pulled together to clear paths and the school entrance on time for our return tomorrow.
We are all looking forward to hearing everyone’s adventures in the snow!