Tag Archives: Team Whitelees


Celebrating success at assembly today!

Congratulations to our weekly Class Dojo winners and Successful Learners!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday in the last week, we hope you had fun!

Well done to all our It’s Good To Be Me pupils this week.  Kayden bot a trophy for figure marching in PE.  James won player of the week at his football club.  Gymnasts Karly and Baighley can do backflips and tumble runs,  Nathan moved up from a white to a purple belt in karate and Ross got a yellow belt and two silver medals in tae-kwon-do.


There was lots of success to celebrate at our assembly today!

Well done to our Confident Individuals and weekly Class Dojo winners!  We are very proud of you all!

Well done to all our burns Competition entrants.  Cayden and Tyler entered the competition, Sophie entered with her The Wee Malkies poem and Emilie entered with the Wee Malkies poem as well as her letter. 

Lauren won silver for her letter, David won bronze, Daniel won a trophy and a gold medal for his letter and a silver medal for his poem.  Enya won a gold medal and trophy for her entry into the Junior Art Competition.  Well done everyone!  We are so proud of you!

Sophie won a trophy for her street dancing and Cooper can play the drums!

Eva and Ross attended Victory Day which is a day of remembrance for veterans who fought in World War II.  This is a significant date in the Russian calendar marked by a parade called the “Immortal Regiment”.  We are so glad you were able to take part!

Well done to all our It’s Good To Be Me! pupils this week!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a birthday in the last week.  We hope you had fun!


A quick reminder of our Open Afternoon being held tomorrow from 1.30pm – 3.00pm. Come and join us to see your child’s classwork, find out about the learning experiences they have participated in and have some fun at Me Time. We look forward to welcoming you all tomorrow.


We had lots to celebrate during our first assembly back after the holidays!

Carmen was the proud winner of an Arnold Clark poster competition and was presented with a HUGE copy of her poster and gift vouchers from the staff at Arnold Clark in Royston.  If you’re passing pop in and see her artwork displayed in their showroom next to their new cars!

Mrs Oliver became a Granny for the first time on 18th April and to say she is delighted is an understatement!  Congratulations Mrs Oliver!

Well done to all our weekly Class Dojo winners and happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday over the last 3 weeks!  We hope you all had fun!


We had a lovely Easter Service today! 

Primary 1 treated us to their spring chicken song with some lovely actions!  

Primary 4 recited their Burns poems and showed off their award winning artwork!

Primary 7 told the Easter story!

Rory brought his athletics trophy in to show us!

Sadly, we said goodbye to our Early Years Worker Miss Arthur!  We wish you good luck in your new post!

All in all we had a very lovely service and the children were all given their special Easter treat to be enjoyed this afternoon!

We have a fabulous Easter hamper to give away today to the winner whose name will be picked at random this afternoon!  Good luck everyone!


We had a double celebration at our assembly today!

Check out our Weekly Class Dojo winners, Effective Contributors AND Responsible Citizens!  Congratulations everyone!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday over the last two weeks!  We hope you had fun!

It’s Good To Be US!  Millie, Hannah, Sophia, Eva and Carmen enjoy getting lots of exercise at gymnastics.  Keilidh won three medals at Tae Kwon Do.  Leah moved up a level in swimming.  Tyler was a mascot at his Dad’s football team Dunfermline United and Emilie won trophies for dancing in different styles! Phew, what a talented bunch!