Mrs Hunter hosted her monthly tea party today coinciding with our MacMillan Cancer Coffee/Open Afternoon. Lots of cake was enjoyed and there was even some dancing!! It’s fair to say everyone had fun!
Due to the weather conditions today ALL children will be dismissed from the infant doors at 3.00pm. There will be no entry and exit at the Lilac gate and we advise that you stay in the infant area of the playground.
Well done to our weekly Class Dojo winners, we are very proud of you all!
Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday in the last week! We hope you had a fun time!
Congratulations to this week’s Extreme Reader winners! Boy, have you all found some weird and wonderful places to read over the last week! Keep it up, we are loving your photographs!
We had lots of success to celebrate at our assembly today.
Well done to all our weekly Class Dojo winners and Responsible Citizens. We are very proud of you all!
Happy Birthday to all those with a Birthday between 31st August and 7th September. We hope you all had fun!
Congratulations to all our It’s Good To Be Me pupils this week! Kyle completed the Blue fun run, Nathan won a trophy and team of the week at his football club, Adam received a certificate from coding Minecraft and Flappy Bird, Naima won 1st place for a Chinese writing competition, Euan was scouted by St Johnston and Kady Anne, Niamh, Callum and Ross helped save a ladybug! Wow what a busy, successful week we’ve had! Well done everyone!
What an assembly primary 7! We were on the X Factor, we were at the Oscars and most importantly taken on a trip down memory lane. Thank you primary 7 for a fabulous assembly and we wish you all good luck when you begin high school in August! Have a fabulous Summer.
Sports Day is in full swing and parents are welcome to come along and join the fun at 1.30pm. The school gates will be open at each end of the playground for entry. Click here to view the timetable to help you locate your child when you arrive. We hope to see you all this afternoon!
Please refrain from using the staff car park for the show tonight. This is required for staff who are coming along to ensure the smooth running of the night.
Children should be back at school for 6.30pm for the show, no school uniform is required. They should enter and exit through their own doors. Children can be collected from their class by 1 adult only at the end of the show. We look forward to performing our final show of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for you!
Please note the performance tonight is sold out, we will not be able to take payment at the door.
Well done to all our weekly Class Dojo winners and Responsible Citizens this week!
Congratulations to all our It’s Good To Be ME pupils this week. Sophie won a trophy and medal in a street dance competition, Aaron won the league with his football team and Reuben learned how to play the piano. Well done boys and girls!
Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday in the last two weeks, we hope you all had fun!
Well done to P6b who were the overall Bible Experience Quiz winners from their visit to Mossknowe Gospel Hall Bible Exhibition! Fabulous boys and girls!