Tag Archives: Team Whitelees


Congratulations to Tyler who won the Head Teacher’s Your Actions Make a Difference award this week for excellent participation in school activities.  We are very proud of you!

Congratulations to our weekly class Dojo winners and Confident Individuals this week.  We are very proud of you all!

Well done to Logan our It’s Good To Be Me! pupil this week!

Happy Birthday to those who had a Birthday between 19th and 25th January.  We hope you all had fun!




Congratulations to our weekly class Dojo winners and Effective Contributors this week.  We are very proud of you all!

Well done to our It’s Good To Be Me! pupils Logan and James this week! Congratulations boys!

Happy Birthday to all those who had a Birthday between 19th and 25th January.  We hope you had fun!

Congratulations to primary 4 who were our Christmas Enterprise winners making the most profit!  Well done primary 4, we hope you enjoy the chocolate coins!


Enrolment arrangements for children who will be aged 5 years between 1st March 2019 and 28th February 2020 are as follows:

Monday 14th January, Tuesday 15th January, Wednesday 16th January, Thursday 17th January and Friday 18th January from 1.30pm – 3.00pm.

Remember to bring your child’s birth certificate and council tax bill as proof of address. Please spread the word!


We can’t believe today was our last assembly of 2018!

Congratulations to Rory, who was highly commended in his group for his North Lanarkshire Council road safety calendar design and was presented with a certificate to mark his achievement today.  We are very proud of you Rory!

Well done to our It’s Good To Be Me! pupils Keira and Sofia this week!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday between 8th and 21st December.  We hope you all had a lovey day and if your Birthday is still to come we hope you have fun!


  Congratulations to our weekly class Dojo winners and Successful Learners last week! We are very proud of you all. 

Well done to our It’s Good To Be Me! pupil Millie last week!

Congratulations to Darby who won the Head Teachers Your Actions Make a Difference award last week for being an excellent help throughout the school shows.  Well done Darby!



A few reminders about our show tonight. Children should be back at school no earlier than 6.30pm and are not required to wear school uniform. They should enter the building through their own doors and will be dismissed from their classrooms after the show. All children MUST be collected by an adult.

Please refrain from using the car park tonight as this is required for staff who are coming along to ensure the event runs smoothly.

The middle doors in the playground will also be open for admission tonight.

A quick reminder that tomorrow is our Christmas lunch and children can wear a Christmas jumper with their uniform if they wish.

We look forward to welcoming you all for our final show tonight.