Tag Archives: Team Whitelees


Congratulations to the first weekly class Dojo winners and Effective Contributors of this school year.  We are very proud of you all!

Well done to this week’s It’s Good To Be Me! pupils.  There are lots of wonderful things happening outwith school.

We were celebrating lots of Birthdays at assembly today.  Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday between 15th June and 23rd August.  We hope you all had fun!





Congratulations to Samantha who won the Head Teacher’s Your Actions Make A Difference Award this week for her responsible attitude.  Well done Samantha!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday between 4th and 10th May.  We hope you all had fun!

Well done to our weekly class Dojo winners and Responsible Citizens this week.  We are very proud of you all!

Congratulations to this week’s It’s Good To Be Me! pupils Sophie, Amelia and Sofia!  Keep up the hard work!

Good luck to our choir who will be singing at the Abronhill Gala Day on Saturday 11th May at 2.30pm.  It would be lovely to see some of the whitelees team go along and support them.



Congratulations to David who won the Head Teacher’s Your Actions Make A Difference award this week for finding new and creative ways to improve his taught writing. Well done David, keep up the hard work!

Thank you for all your support during our Book Fair. You raised a phenomenal £813 towards books for our school! Your support is greatly appreciated.

Well done to this weeks It’s Good To Be Me! pupils Darby, Alysha and Lacie. Keep up the good work!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday between 27th April and 3rd May.  We hope you all had fun!

Congratulations to our weekly class Dojo winner and Successful Learners this week. We are very proud of you all!