Tag Archives: DoJo


Congratulations to Lauren and Ava May who won the Head Teacher’s Award this week for getting involved and making good choices. For being an excellent role model to others and being responsible citizens by litter picking in the local community.

Well done to our It’s Good To Be Me! pupil this week. Keep up the good work!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday between 16th October and 1st November. We hope you had fun!

Well done to our weekly class Dojo winners and Effective Contributors this week. We are very proud of you all!


Congratulations to Cerys who won the Head Teacher’s Award this week for achieving new learning by working hard and showing interest and effort and being a pleasant and kind girl who helps others.

Well done to this week’s It’s Good To Be Me pupils!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday this week. We hope you had fun!

Congratulations to our weekly class Dojo winners and Responsible Citizens this week. We are very proud of you all!


Congratulations to Cayden who won our Head Teacher’s Award this week for an excellent example of sports leadership and a positive attitude towards all aspects of school life and himself as a learner. We are very proud of you!

Congratulations to the winners of our Mad Hatter’s Tea Party riddle competition. Great work everyone!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday between 21st September and 4th October. We hope you all had fun!

Well done to this week’s It’s Good To Be Me! pupils. Keep up the good work everyone!

Congratulations to our weekly class Dojo winners and Confident Individuals this week! We are very proud of you all!


Congratulations to Caitlyn who won the Head Teacher’s Your Actions Make A Difference Award this week for being an enthusiastic and interested learner who enjoys all the opportunities school life has to offer!

Well done to this week’s It’s Good To Be Me! pupils! Keep up the good work everyone!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday between 14th and 20th September.  We hope you all had fun!

Well done to our Effective Contributors and weekly class Dojo winners this week!  We are very proud of you all!


Congratulations to Freya who won the Head Teacher’s Your Actions Make A Difference Award this week for being welcoming, friendly and following our Whitelees promise! Well done Freya!

Well done to this week’s Its Good To Be Me! pupils. Keep up the good work everyone!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday between 7th and 13th September. We hope you all had fun!

Well done to our Responsible Citizens and weekly class Dojo winners this week. We are very proud of you all!

Congratulations to our Sports Ambassadors, Digital Leaders and Pupil Council who were all appointed today at assembly! We look forward to working together over the school year.


Congratulations to Lyon who won the Head Teacher’s Your Actions Make A Difference Award this week for respect and commitment to “The Nest”, asking for help when you need it and making choices that help you as a learner and friend.

Well done to our weekly class Dojo winners and Successful Learners this week.  We are very proud of you all!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday between 31st August and 6th September.  We hope you all had fun!

Congratulations to Dylan who was our first ever winner of Mrs Murdoch’s Mind-Set Matters game at assembly today!  Excellent memory Dylan!

Well done to this week’s It’s Good To Be Me! pupils.  Keep up the good work!


Congratulations to Adam, who won our Head Teacher’s Your Actions Make A Difference award this week for voluntarily helping in the dining hall and assisting others to clear up  and use the correct food waste bins.  Well done Adam, we are very proud of you!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday between 24th and 30th August.  We hope you all had fun!

Well done to our Confident Individuals and weekly class Dojo winners this week!  We are very proud of you all!

Well done also to this week’s It’s Good To Be Me! pupils!


Congratulations to the first weekly class Dojo winners and Effective Contributors of this school year.  We are very proud of you all!

Well done to this week’s It’s Good To Be Me! pupils.  There are lots of wonderful things happening outwith school.

We were celebrating lots of Birthdays at assembly today.  Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday between 15th June and 23rd August.  We hope you all had fun!