Tag Archives: DoJo


We had an extra special assembly today!

Congratulations to our weekly Class Dojo winners and Responsible Citizens!

We had quite a few “It’s Good To Be Me” pupils this week, clearly our children don’t just save their best for school.  Holly, Hope  and Thomas all won a trophy and a belt at Tae-Kwon-Do, Sophie won a trophy for doing well at gymnastics,  Kerr won a red stripe at Tae-Kwon-Do and sisters, Freya, Maddison and Elli-Mae all won trophies at their dancing presentation.  Well done to all our achievers!

Happy Birthday to all our pupils who had a Birthday in the last week!

Primary 4/5 won our Enterprise Award this year for all their hard work and money raised at the Christmas Fayre.  Well done P4/5!

Fred the Elf left a special present for all our children.  Our Christmas tree was covered in candy canes for the children.  Fred said they could take them home and have them once their rooms are tidied!  Lots of tidy rooms over thee weekend Mum’s and Dad’s!


Congratulations to all our Weekly Dojo winners and  Successful Learners.  Well done everyone!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday in the last week!

A massive well done to our swimmers Darby and Aimee Cara who competed in the NL School Swimming Championships!  Aimee Cara won several medals and Darby, competing against older children pulled off some personal bests!  Well done girls!  We are very, very proud of you!


We had a spooky Halloween assembly today!  Mrs Hunter had prepared some “treats”!  Children were  chosen by a fruit machine randomiser to take part in the activities.  They dooked for apples, played Beanboozled and told some Halloween jokes!

Not detracting from our weekly celebrating success assembly we also presented certificates to our Confident Individuals and Weekly Class Dojo winners!  Well done to everyone!

We had two “It’s Good To Be Me!” pupils this week.  Naima brought in her amazing trophy for Taekwondo and Aaron brought in his Player of the Week trophy to show everyone!  Well done!

We celebrated the Birthdays and there were quite a few as we had everyone who had a Birthday over the last two weeks!


Check out our winners, Birthdays and It’s Good To Be Me pupils this week!

Congratulations to our weekly Class Dojo winners and Effective Contributors!

Happy Birthday to everyone who has had a Birthday in the last week and a special Happy Birthday to our dinner lady who was 21 again today!

Well done also to Neve and Chloe who raised £521 for McMillan Cancer Care by selling loom bands and arranging a coffee afternoon.  What an achievement girls!


We had a busy assembly today.

We had our weekly Class Dojo winners and Responsible Citizens and a few “It’s Good To Be Me” pupils too.

Daniel brought his Great Scottish Run medal to show everyone, London brought in her dance trophy and Jack is now an orange belt at Taekwondo!

Well done to everyone!

We also had a few Birthdays from the last week, Happy Birthday to everyone!


We had a special assembly today!

We announced our new Head Boy and Head Girl and their Deputes!

Congratulations to Declan and Tegan who were voted Head Boy and Head Girl and to Emma and Joshua who are Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl! 

Well done to everyone who received a weekly Class Dojo certificate and to all our Confident Individuals and Happy Birthday to everyone who had a birthday in the last week!

Some of the children from Primary 1 brought the comfy chairs they had made for Percy to assembly to show everyone.  They look fantastic.  I’m sure Percy would love them!