Christmas Card

Our annual personalised Christmas Card artwork will be distributed to children today or tomorrow.  There are a few changes to ordering this year. 

Orders can only be placed online and  MUST be completed by Monday 21st November 2016.

There are six easy steps to ordering online which are detailed on your child’s artwork.

Payment should be sent into the school by Tuesday 22nd November in your child’s polypocket or in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name, class and reference number from their artwork for your order to be processed.

Orders will be delivered to the school and will not be released unless full payment has been received.

Many thanks for your co-operation.


Check out this weeks’ winners!

We had two “It’s Good To Be Me!” pupils this week.  Lauren showed us all her fabulous dancing trophy and Sophia shared her beautiful paintings with everyone!  Thank you girls.

The Charity Council told everyone about their plans for Children In Need next Friday.  Don’t forget to wear something spotty and bring your £1 for this amazing charity.   We look forward to  seeing everyone’s “Pudsey Jumps”!  Letters in bags tonight!

Not forgetting our weekly class Dojo winners and this weeks Effective Contributors!

Congratulations to all our winners!

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